Karan Johar recently announced a new series titled Love Storiyaan. The filmmaker took to his Instagram and revealed that he has put together a series of real-life love stories, much like the Modern Love series, for the special occasion of Valentine’s Day. The series features a six-part heartwarming revisiting of real-life love stories, conceptualised by Somen Mishra. The series puts under spotlight six real-life couples from across the country and their stories of love, hope, happiness and triumph over all adversities. The trailer is out now. Check it out:
Among the six heartwarming stories, one recounts the experience of a woman who discovered love later in life, another narrates the journey of a couple from Chattogram in Bangladesh, and yet another tells the tale of a woman who went all the way to Kabul for her love. That apart, the collection includes the touching stories of love and marriage between a transwoman and an inter-caste couple who defied societal odds.
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