Goa Expects Dip in Dengue Cases as Monsoon is Set to Bid Adieu
Goa Expects Dip in Dengue Cases as Monsoon is Set to Bid Adieu
As many as 1,077 cases of suspected dengue were reported in the state of Goa till the end of August. Out of these, 141 were confirmed declared dengue positive

As the monsoon draws to a close, the directorate of health services (DHS) in Goa is expecting a dip in cases of dengue as well.

As many as 1,077 cases of suspected dengue were reported in the state of Goa till the end of August, The Times of India reported. Out of these, 141 were confirmed declared dengue positive. Dr Anant Palekar, the deputy director in-charge of the national vector control programme in Goa, said the cause of death in four suspected cases had not been confirmed by far.

The state has seen a number of mosquito-borne diseases in last few months. However, the vector-borne disease remained active from August to September. The maximum number of cases has been reported from Tiswadi, Mormugao and Salcete talukas.

“The case papers related to all four deaths will be placed before the investigating committee. Only after it gives its verdict, will we be able to say with certainty whether the patients in question had in fact died due to dengue,” Palekar told TOI. As there have been a number of suspected dengue cases that were reported in September, Palekar added that the data for the whole state would be available in the first week of October.

“With the rains receding, we feel there will be a decline in dengue cases. The biggest problem is that people do not keep their surroundings clean, but blame the authorities when they contract the disease,” Palekar said. He also added that letters have been addressed to panchayats and municipalities seeking their corporation with the DHS to stem the spread of the disease.

The deputy director in-charge also mentioned that a retired government doctor had recently summoned a DHS team. He called in to remove furniture dumped outside his building complex where mosquitoes were found to be breeding. He said, “The doctor could have easily teamed up with the building’s management to get the area cleaned, but they wanted us to do it.”

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