1 lakh concrete houses for Thane-hit in TN
1 lakh concrete houses for Thane-hit in TN
Guvs address outlines Jaya govts 1,ooo-cr scheme to replace cyclone-damaged huts in Villupuram and Cuddalore district..

CHENNAI: Following a series of measures to mitigate the sufferings of the people affected by cyclone Thane in the districts of Cuddalore and Villupuram, the AIADMK government will now construct one lakh concrete houses to replace the huts damaged by the cyclone at a cost of `1,000 crore.Announcing this in his maiden address to the State Assembly on Monday, Governor Dr K Rosaiah informed the Assembly that “the concrete houses will be constructed immediately to provide safe shelter to the affected families.”Appreciating the State government for using early warning systems to initiate preventive measures and for taking timely action for providing relief,  he pointed out that “due to sustained intensive relief work, normalcy could be restored to a very large extent in a month’s time, whereas it would normally take several months to achieve such results.” During the north-east monsoon 177 lives were lost, he said.Rosaiah said as the livelihood of farmers was completely destroyed due to damage of perennial crops like cashew, jackfruit and coconut, the government was focusing on providing permanent rehabilitation measures.‘’As a special gesture, apart from extending immediate relief for crop loss, Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has ordered taking up of replantation of perennial crops, particularly cashew with grafted seedlings under high density planting,”  he said.The Governor further said the government would meet the entire cost of planting and maintenance for one year, besides distributing mini-kits with seeds and other essential inputs for taking up recultivation of annual crops in the affected fields.Recalling the State government’s demand for a special assistance package of `5,248 crore from the National Disaster Response Fund for relief and restoration works in the Thane-affected areas, the Governor expressed confidence that the Union government would respond positively to the State’s request and provide adequate financial support

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