How to Text a Virgo Woman
How to Text a Virgo Woman
If a Virgo has caught your eye, you might be wondering how to make your texts to her more meaningful. Virgos belong to the earth sign so they're logical and practical. Aim for keeping your texts to her direct, honest, and confident. For more tips on how to communicate effectively with a Virgo, read on!

Stick with straightforward messages.

Save the deep philosophical or romantic conversations for in person. Most Virgos don't feel comfortable having long complex discussions via text so try to keep your messages brief and to the point. Think of texting a Virgo as the start of a conversation you'd like to continue with her later. For instance, text to set up dates with her or to casually let her know that she's on your mind. You might say, "You've been in my thoughts all day. Dinner tomorrow?"

Send emojis or GIFS.

Use these to get the emotion of your text across. Virgos can be very analytical and might read too much into a text that's a little ambiguous or vague. You don't want her to worry or stress about messages you're sending, so clarify them with emojis or GIFS that help get your point across. For instance, if you send just a text that says, "Call me when you get a chance," she may read a lot into it—she may think something is wrong or that you're angry. However, if you add a smiling emoji or silly GIF of someone using a big old-fashioned phone, she'll know you just want to talk at some point. You can send a photo and say that it reminds you of her.

Show off your take-charge attitude.

Suggest doing things together to show you're interested in her. A Virgo woman can be attracted to someone who seems in control so she'll love that you have ideas of what you want to do together. It also takes the pressure off of her to come up with ideas for hanging out. For instance, text something like, "Would you like to see a movie on Thursday night?" or, "There's a concert tonight at 9. Want to go?"

Encourage her to do something fun.

Suggest meeting up for a movie, drinks, or dessert. She's probably really hardworking, which can make it hard for her to relax. Text her and ask her to do something fun so she can catch a break. A Virgo woman will probably appreciate this since it shows you're thinking about her, too. For example, text something like, "Take a break from work and meet me for ice cream! You know you want to."

Be honest with her.

Don't ever bend the truth or act like someone you're not. You'll lose a Virgo woman's trust, which is really hard to get back. It's much better to be truthful and yourself in each message you send her. Even harmless white lies can backfire with a Virgo. For instance, if she texts you and asks you if you like a specific book that she likes, don't tell her what she wants to hear if it's not true. If she finds out you were being dishonest, she won't trust you. A Virgo will appreciate a truthful text like, "To be honest, I didn't really care for that book," or, "I'm not really into that style of music."

Try a little subtle flirting.

Don't be straightforward with your desire for her. Sure, Virgos love direct, practical texts, but they don't want you to come on too strong romantically. Avoid texts like, "Girl, you look so hot," or, "I want to get my body close to yours." Instead, go for slightly understated texts like, "I can't wait to be around you again," or "You looked beautiful last night." It's a good idea to match her texting style. If she starts sending flirtier texts, go for it!

Text her first.

She may be hesitant to message you, so start the conversation. Virgos are thoughtful even when it comes to texting. While you may be able to fire off 5 different texts to a number of people, a Virgo may struggle to text you first. This is because they're considering exactly what to say, how to say it, and what you may say back, which can stop them from sending the text in the first place. This is especially true if she has a lot to say to you and doesn't know where to begin. You might text, "Hey, thinking about you today. How're you doing?" or, "It was great hanging out the other day. What are you up to?" Keep the conversations fun and lighthearted so that she continues the conversation.

Keep your texts clean.

It's fine to flirt with a Virgo but don't be crude or vulgar. She'll be turned off if you presume to send her explicitly naughty messages, especially if you don't know each other well yet. Since Virgos are usually polite and cautious, make sure your texts aren't crass. If you're flirting, don't be overly sexual or aggressive since she'll probably ignore your texts.

Respect her boundaries.

Don't push a Virgo to answer personal questions by text. She may not feel comfortable sharing her deepest emotions unless she's face-to-face. If you've texted her a question and she hasn't responded, she may feel uncomfortable so don't bombard her with more questions or she'll also feel overwhelmed. If you get the impression that you've upset her and she hasn't responded to you or she's changed the subject, briefly acknowledge that you shouldn't have pried. You might text, "Sorry to bug you about that. I should have let it go."

Don't immediately reply to her texts.

Give her a chance to start missing you! It's totally fine to show that you're interested, but being a little unavailable can make her think about you more. Instead of immediately replying to her text, wait an hour or so before you message her back. You don't have to do this with every texting conversation between the two of you. Just do it occasionally if you want to make her crazy for you!

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