How to Dance at a Rave
How to Dance at a Rave

Finding Rhythm

Feel the music and dance with the beat. Start off by tapping your foot with the beat of the song, then start moving the rest of your body. Listen to the beats of the music and move your legs, feet, and arms with the music. If you don’t feel the music while you dance, you’ll probably dance off tempo. There are so many different styles of dance that no one style is the best.

Move your entire body when you dance. Don’t just move your feet and legs when you dance. Your hips, shoulders, and arms should also be moving while you’re dancing. Move your arms and shoulders with the beat of the music to look less static.

Stay in your own space unless someone wants to dance with you. It can be annoying and even offensive to take up someone else’s dancing space. Be aware of the people around you, especially if you’re really animated, so that you don’t bump into anyone. You should never go up to a stranger and start touching them without their permission.

Learning Dance Moves

Rock your head up and down to perform a headbang. If you’re going to a rave that’s playing heavy hip-hop or dubstep, you may want to do a headband. Simply rock your head up and down with the beat of the music to perform it. The more you get into the music, the harder you can headbang. If you’re really feeling the music, incorporate your entire body into the headbang by bending at the waist.

Pump your hand up and down to do a fist pump. Simply pump your fist in the air with the beat to do a fist pump. This move is especially good if you have limited dancing experience because it’s easy to perform. Alternate arms to do a unique fist pump.

Run in place for the running man. As you bring one leg up, slide your other foot back, then bring that foot up and repeat the process. This will make it appear like you’re running in place. Try to do it with the beat of the music so that it doesn’t look awkward. The running man is the basis for different shuffle moves.

Perform different dance moves to mix it up. Spin while doing the running man and then do a fist pump during a more intense part of the song. Mix up all your different dance moves to show your dancing versatility.

Building Confidence

Have fun and relax. Going to a rave to dance is all about having fun and releasing stress or negative emotions. Don’t get too caught up on dancing correctly because it can take away from the fun that you’re having. Instead, let loose and don’t be afraid to act silly or over the top. Have as much fun as you can. Realize that other people are there to have fun and probably aren’t even paying attention to you if you’re new at dancing.

Trust your intuition and don’t overthink it. Dancing at a rave should come naturally be a fun release, not rehearsed choreography. Don’t get too caught up in executing the perfect dance moves or you may overthink it and it won’t be fun. Instead, try to do what comes naturally to you.

Bring friends to reduce your stress. If you’re new to raves or feel stressed about dancing in a social situation, bring some friends with you. They will make you feel more comfortable and confident to be yourself and to have fun. You and your friends can form a circle and all dance together.

Make eye contact and ask if you want to dance with someone. Don't touch or start dancing with random strangers. Instead, make eye contact, gauge their response, and ask them if they would like to dance. If a stranger wants to dance, remember to respect their space and try to match their energy.

Learning to Dance

Watch or read tutorials online to learn different dance moves. There are a ton of video tutorials online that you can watch to learn specific dance moves that you can use at the rave. Use sites like Youtube to find different tutorials online and try to follow the instructions in the videos. You can find different hip-hop dance groups that perform and teach different routines and dance moves online. Fist-bumps, head banging, and the shuffle are all popular dances at raves.

Practice dancing at home in front of a mirror before you go out. Watch yourself dancing in the mirror to see what you’ll look like on the dance floor. Turn on some music and try out the moves that you learned in the tutorial videos to see how you look and to help refine your moves. You can also practice dancing with your friends even if you’re not at a rave. Just turn on some electronic music and start dancing!

Take a dancing class if you don’t feel confident. If you don’t have any dancing experience and can’t seem to learn how to dance on your own, a dance class might give you the skills you need to dance at a rave. Search online for dance classes near you and register to start learning how to move your body. Professional feedback may be the push you need to get to the next level. Hip-hop or Latin dancing will give you the foundations you need to dance well at a rave.

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