Ever Noticed A Small Button On A Car's Seat Belt? Here’s Why It's There
Ever Noticed A Small Button On A Car's Seat Belt? Here’s Why It's There
A seat belt protects the passengers against strong or rash movements that may happen during a collision or unexpected sudden stops.

A seatbelt, also known as the safety belt, is one of the most important features of a car. It is absolutely necessary to wear a seatbelt at all times, while driving or riding a car. The government and traffic police have even made it mandatory, and a hefty fine is imposed on people who do not wear one. A seat belt protects the passengers against strong or rash movements that may happen during a collision or unexpected sudden stops. The main purpose is to reduce the chances of death or serious injuries during accidents. There is an important thing about a seatbelt that is not known to many people. There is a special button on it which is quite useful. According to reports, a video has recently been posted on TikTok by an account named @epiccfacts, which gives information related to the button on the seat belt. Even though its work is quite easy, many people do not know about its use. In reality, the button prevents the buckle on the seat belt from going backward.

There is a buckle on the seatbelt, and when the person sitting on the seat pulls the seat belt on the side, the buckle goes inside the groove made on the side, where it gets stuck. But when the buckle is removed, it becomes loose and can slide down on the belt. To avoid the inconvenience of putting it up again and again, this small button is made available on the seatbelt, which prevents the buckle from going backwards, and keeps the buckle in the right position. This restricts the movement of the buckle to a specific point. This button is quite small in size and is usually ignored by people.

When we are talking about the minute details inside a car, another small detail is the arrow that is near the petrol tank sign. According to information, the small arrow indicates the direction of the petrol tank. If the arrow is on the left, the tank is on the left, and if it is on the right side, the tank is also on the right side.

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