Mumbai: Digital payments platform PayPal on Wednesday announced the launch of its "Seller Protection Programme for Intangibles" - an expansion of its existing seller protection programme that earlier only covered merchants selling tangible goods like handicrafts, fashion and art.
"Growing instances of online fraud act as a barrier for sellers selling online services and other intangible goods to clients abroad," said Anupam Pahuja, Country Manager and Managing Director, PayPal India.
"With our Seller Protection Programme for Intangibles, we aim to empower freelancers and merchants in India to sell with confidence and assure them that they have our support to grow," he added.
The Seller Protection Programme for Intangibles will cover two types of buyer complaints - "unauthorised transaction", when a buyer claims that he or she didn’t authorise the payment and "item not received", when a buyer pays for the service but claims that he or she did not receive the service, a company statement said.
The PayPal Resolution Centre will investigate issues and work with the sellers to ensure that they are protected against this type of fraud in genuine cases.
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