Social Media giant Facebook has announced that its chats on Messenger and Instagram Direct will be end-to-end encrypted by default by 2022. The company announced in a blog post last week. With end-to-end encryption, users’ private messages will be accessible only by the sender and the recipient and even Facebook will not be able to read those messages. “Over the past year, we introduced a number of privacy and safety tools, including more privacy settings, an app lock, safer message requests, message forwarding limits and more. We’re also working hard to bring default end-to-end encryption to all of our messaging services,” Facebook said in a blog post.
This, the company said will further protect people’s private messages and mean only the sender and the recipient of the message can access the messages. Facebook also said that the safety features it has already introduced are designed to work with end-to-end encryption, and it plans to continue building strong safety features into its services. “While we expect to make more progress on default end-to-end encryption for Messenger and Instagram Direct this year, it’s a long-term project and we won’t be fully end-to-end encrypted until sometime in 2022 at the earliest. Moreover, the safety features we’ve already introduced are designed to work with end-to-end encryption, and we plan to continue building strong safety features into our services,” the company said in its blog post.
With the increasing concerns about user privacy and data protection, people across the globe are demanding stronger, more widespread encryption for messaging services like Messenger and Instagram DMs. Facebook itself said that seven out of 10 Americans in 2019 said that their information is less secure than five years earlier. Currently, only WhatsApp is the sole Facebook service that provides end-to-end encryption.
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