Having a pet such as a dog, cat, etc around you is always fun. Pets want to spend time with their owners and want to get pampered. However, often, dog owners face situations where they have to leave their pet pooches at home alone. So, what should a pet parent do in these cases? It’s critical to help your pet adjust to being home alone on occasion.
Here are the best ways to make your little furry friend’s life better even when you leave them alone at home:
Tire them out
In the morning, take your dog for a walk or run in the park. A game of fetch can also do the trick. Cat parents can play a few games that appeal to their hunting instincts, such as using feather toys or motorized rats.
Leave ample toys
Leave as many toys as possible to keep them occupied. Toys that dispense treats, chew toys, and a ball should suffice. Owners of cats can leave cardboard boxes and paper bags for them to explore. They’d be entertained by a fluffy ball and a mouse toy.
Limit their space
Crate training your dog restricts your dog’s access to the house. It also aids in housebreaking because dogs have a natural aversion to soiling their den or sleeping area. You could also restrict their access to a single room, but make sure the house is pet-proof.
In-house entertainment
During the day, keep the radio or television on. However, be cautious when selecting a channel; instead, choose some soothing classical music or a talk show with no shouting. Keep the volume low enough that they can hear it without being bothered.
Clean water and food
Leave a bowl or two of fresh water nearby so they don’t go through the day thirsty. Keep some dry food on hand for them to eat if they get hungry.
Maintain a routine
Dogs and cats both rely on routine. They can be at ease about being alone because of consistency and structure. Work may be exhausting, but make time to spend with your pet.
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