India Closely Following Developments Relating to Ukraine, Calls for Peaceful Resolution of Situation
India Closely Following Developments Relating to Ukraine, Calls for Peaceful Resolution of Situation
In recent weeks, the build-up of tens of thousands of Russian troops on Ukraine's borders has stoked fears of an invasion. Russia denies it is planning an attack.

India on Friday said that it is closely following the developments relating to Ukraine, including ongoing high-level discussions between Russia and the US, and called for a peaceful resolution of the situation for long-term peace and stability in the region and beyond. The Indian Embassy in Kyiv is also monitoring local developments, external affairs ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said while replying to a query on the Ukraine situation.

In recent weeks, the build-up of tens of thousands of Russian troops on Ukraine's borders has stoked fears of an invasion. Russia denies it is planning an attack. "We have been closely following the developments relating to Ukraine including ongoing high-level discussions between Russia and the US. Our Embassy in Kyiv is also monitoring local developments," he said.

"We call for a peaceful resolution of the situation through sustained diplomatic efforts for long-term peace and stability in the region and beyond," he said.

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