Salman Khan to Covidiots in New Awareness Video: Pray Military Does Not Have to Intervene
Salman Khan to Covidiots in New Awareness Video: Pray Military Does Not Have to Intervene
Salman Khan goes all out in a 9-minute long video to make people understand the gravity of the coronavirus pandemic.

Salman Khan has been making sure not to leave any stone unturned in spreading awareness about the rapidly spreading coronavirus. In his latest video message for fans, Salman can be seen making a heartfelt appeal so that people understand the gravity of the situation and do not venture outside their homes until absolutely necessary.

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Salman says, "No, Bigg Boss has not started yet. This is life's Bigg Boss. Everyone is sitting at home. But there are some people who are disobeying orders. For instance, I came here for two days but got stuck ( in his farmhouse in Panvel). Coronavirus has affected everyone. At first, it felt like just another flu which would die out. But then the lockdown happened and things took a serious turn."

Salman adds, "Here's is my entire family, my mother, two sisters and their kids and some people who had come for work but are now more like friends. But, we made a rule here that who is here shall remain here. No one will go out or outsiders will be allowed to enter inside. But we have to step outside for ration. Now, we sent a person we know 4-5 kilometers from here to buy ration and meanwhile police is doing very good job of checking on people. Now, the person had a movement pass for the vehicle."

Salman further continues, "This person went ahead and talked to the police by removing his mask. The police prompted him to put it back on. This person came home and narrated the whole incident and I told him that what was forbidden was done by you. Now listen to me carefully. Testing positive for an ailment is very heartbreaking and especially the one where there is no cure. But losing hope and patience is very bad and not understanding the pain and situation of the affected person is inhuman."

Salman adds, "A patient testing positive understands that he did not take proper caution but people who are showing no signs of coronavirus but are slacking off in taking precautions will soon test positive and this is my guarantee. Now these people will spread the virus in their family, then the community, the city and the entire country. What has the government asked us to do? To stay at home. Not gather in large crowds. Stay in isolation with family. But this is for who? It is for all of us. If you want to offer prayers, do it at home. In childhood, we learnt that god resides within but still if you want to go to temples with family then surely go ahead because everyone has to die someday."

"But does anyone really want to die? Do you really want to reduce the population of India starting with your own family? Now tell me, cooperating with the government and the first responders in the coronavirus crisis is right or not? Now, are you thinking positive or negative? If your actions were right, the lockdown would have ended and the coronavirus too. If you would not have stepped outside, the police would not be around to beat you. Who has stopped you from buying ration? Go out for the work and come back soon. Wear mask, gloves and go alone. Do you think doctors, nurses and other people working now will not contract coronavirus? But they are still working for you for 18 hours." Salman tells his followers.

He then goes on to add, "Coronavirus does not discriminate. It is a cop's job and they are fulfilling their duties. Your job is to stay at home. I knew people who never stepped out usually but since the lockdown they have started venturing out, which is strange. Now people who are risking their lives, you are putting their lives at risk. When nurses and doctors came to your rescue, you pelted stones at them? Person who has tested Covid-19 positive is running from the hospital. But where are you running towards- life or death? If the doctors and policemen had not been there then because of a few people, who think coronavirus cannot affect them, the whole nation will suffer."

"Now, I can understand the plight of people who do not have anything to eat or to feed their children. I salute these people who think that instead of dying from coronavirus it is better that without food this time passes away. The work we are doing is great. But because of some jokers this virus keeps spreading. Now if your actions were not like this, thousands of people would not have been suffering from coronavirus. So many people would not have died and we would be back to work."

Salman concludes by saying, "This virus started in China and it has almost died there but because of some people the entire nation will sit at home for a long time. I have bought it that you are very strong and brave but are you brave enough to carry your family on your shoulders? Why are you bent on making your family suffer? Every issue has two aspects, this one too. Either all live or nobody does. Now you decide. Be grateful to policemen, nurses, doctors and bankers, be respectful towards people who are ailing from the infection and take caution that it does not spread. And pray that the military does not have to intervene to make you understand."

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