Vande Mataram anti-Muslim: IUML
Vande Mataram anti-Muslim: IUML
League chief Banatwala says forcing song on his community will be 'uncivilised' and against secularism.

Mumbai: The Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) on Saturday said Vande Mataram is "anti Muslim" and any attempt to force the community to sing it would be "uncivilised".

"Any attempt to force the singing of Vande Mataram will be uncivilised and an affront to the secular character of our polity and will also not be tolerated by Muslims," said IUML president G M Banatwala said in a press release.

"Vande Mataram has been consistently and conscientiously held as idolatrous by Muslims. It also has an anti-Muslim and objectionable background. Muslims cannot sing it," he said.

Banatwala called on Muslim students not to attend classes on September 7 (the song’s centenary) in case there was "any fear of insistence on singing Vande Mataram".

"It is most unfortunate that instead of appreciating the Muslim position, the Sangh Parivar is out to vitiate the communal atmosphere," he said.

"Muslims should not, as usual, accept any provocations and maintain calm and patience. They may stand up silently as a mark of respect to the right of the gathering singing Vande Mataram," Banatwala said.

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