Unyeilding search-Phillipines landslide
Unyeilding search-Phillipines landslide
Rescue teams strive hard to recover the dead bodies and find the missing in Leyte island landslide.

Guisaugaon: Search for the missing and the dead victims of the farming village of Guinsaugon on Leyte island, Philippines is still on.

A mountainside had collapsed on Friday in an unstoppable wall of mud and a swamp of boulders.

"It sounded like the mountain exploded, and the whole thing crumbled. I could not see any house standing anymore," survivor, Dario Libaton said.

Rescue teams resumed search from Wednesday at the site of a buried village.

A team of Philippine soldiers and US Marines, along with Malaysian and Taiwanese experts had suspended the search overnight.

It was with the concern that rain was making the area more prone to further landslides.

A small generator used to light the area ran out of fuel.

The Marines were unable to use large generators as they shake the wet ground making it unstable.

A backhoe used in the search broke down Tuesday night.

A team of US servicemen got to work putting in their best efforts to repair it on Wednesday

The Philippine soldiers had to finally resort to digging with shovels after daybreak.

Taiwanese emergency teams had even set up sensors in hope of detecting sounds from any survivors buried beneath the ground.

Red Cross officials estimate 200 people may have been killed and they say 1,500 people are missing.

Many of the dead are feared to be school children.

"There is no body count yet, it's our estimate," Sen Richard Burton, Head of the Phillipines, Red Cross revealed.

"The ground has really been soaked because of the rain. The trees were sliding down upright with the mud." said Phillipines area governor, Rose Lerias.

The country's president assured the survirors that "help is on the way."

Red Cross is hoping the US military will send heavy lifting helicopters to the scene.

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