Muslims clerics issue fatwa on terror
Muslims clerics issue fatwa on terror
The fatwa was called upon by a huge cross-section of Muslim clerics, who are protesting against the Varanasi attack.

Lucknow: Clerics in the Uttar Pradesh capital have issued a fatwa (religious edict) announcing that any terrorist attack is anti-Islamic as religion never supports killing of innocent people.

The fatwa issued on Monday by Darul-Ifta Firangi Mahal - a religious body - says terrorist attack on religious places was anti-Islamic and one of the biggest crimes.

Maulana Khalid Rashid, the head of Firangi Mahal said one Sajid Umar had sought fatwa on the issue after the terror strike on the Varanasi temple.

He said Islam was a religion of peace, and attack on religious shrines was against its tenets. The fatwa says the Quran (Surah Maidah: 32) had issued specific directive that killing one innocent person amounts to the murder of an entire humanity.

The cleric clarified that people carrying out attack on shrines in the name of religion were indulging anti-Islamic acts.

He said peace and humanity were integral to the teachings of Islam and the perpetrators of crime should understand the basic tenets of Shariat.

Firangi Mahal, which has 300-year old history of religious services to the community, has been issuing edicts to guide the community on controversial matters.

Following the Lucknow announcement, Mufti Taisaruddin of Darul Ifta Majidia – another religious institute - also declared the assaults as anti-Islamic.

Taisaruddin said terrorism was considered a crime in Islam and could not be condoned.

The move came after Muslim women in Varanasi resorted to demonstration against the attack and had mounted pressure on local clerics to issue edict on the issue.

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