Lift Emergency, doff uniform, a firm US tells Mush
Lift Emergency, doff uniform, a firm US tells Mush
Musharraf has refused to set a date for lifting of the Emergency.

New Delhi: Lift Emergency and doff the uniform — that's the message to General Pervez Musharraf from US President George Bush.

The message was conveyed by White House Press Secretary Dana Perino to mediapersons.

She said that President Bush wants Musharraf to lift Emergency in order to hold free and fair elections.

Musharraf has refused to set a date for lifting of the Emergency, following which Opposition parties like PML-N, Jamaat-e-Islami and Tehreek-i-Insaaf have warned that they will boycott the general election under Emergency rule.

Even PPP leader Benazir Bhutto has indicated that she will boycott the general elections. Benazir, until recently, was holding talks with the military ruler for a possible power-sharing arrangement.

She said that though the US has done a good job to push Musharraf into lifting Emergency, Bush needed to be more firm in his approach.

"We are not talking to Musharraf or his people directly or indirectly because we feel that he is not listening to us. I have been told that military helicopters are ready to take me away but I am clueless about where I would be taken," she said.

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