Lalit Modi says money-spinner IPL will go global
Lalit Modi says money-spinner IPL will go global
Modi is a happy man after the IPL wound up with much fanfare.

Lalit Modi is a happy man after the IPL wound up in South Africa with much fanfare and competitive cricket. The chairman and commissioner of the IPL joined CNN-IBN and reflected on the second edition of the cash-rich extravaganza.

CNN-IBN: IPL season two is over. Did you enjoy the final? Were you surprised that Deccan and Bangalore reached the final? That Deccan are now the IPL champions?

Lalit Modi: Yes, I am surprised in a way that these two teams had qualified. But I'm extremely happy that they qualified. That just goes to show that the two teams were equally poised and all the teams in the IPL were equally poised. The two teams that were at the bottom last year finished on top. So there is all chance for every team to make it to the finals next year.

CNN-IBN: Deccan Chargers were initially one team that looked out for buyers. There seemed to be a chaos around them. But now they've won. How was it for you to see them come out of that and win title?

Lalit Modi: Last year, they hadn't got their act together. I think their owner, Ram Reddy, put a lot of his time and effort to get involved with the team. His daughter was also running around and working with the team. I think they did a great job to bring the management together, bringing the players together.

And Adam Gilchrist is a great captain. He has shown everybody what he can do even though he's retired. He's one of the most remarkable players. It goes to show the experience one has is always going to pay off in the end. He was able to gel the team together, bring the management together and go forward with it.


CNN-IBN: Personally how successful would you say the whole tournament was?

Lalit Modi: Extremely successful. Against all the adversities and the challenges that we had, we were able to overcome them in a very short period of about 21 days and make a very successful tournament. It goes to show that our team is able to take a tournament anywhere in the world and perform, also brought a world-class tournament in such a short time.

It's all because of the team we have put together and they are very hard working. Also the infrastructure that was available to us in South Africa was incredible. The administration out here, and Cricket South Africa and their government really went out of their way in every province on a national level to open the gates for us, get us approvals within minutes.

Every time there was an issue, it was resolved within minutes by the government. It was very satisfying and extremely delightful to be here.

CNN-IBN: Moving the tournament to SA was difficult for you. But it also has had some repercussion on other sports in India. Like Australia pulled out of the Davis Cup. Would you say this has harmed the country's sports a bit?

Lalit Modi: Yes, in one way it has. But on the other hand, the reality is what the reality is. I'm sure things are going to fine in India. We have a strong and stable country and a strong government now. I think things will fall into place and there should be nothing to be afraid about being in India. This is the rightful place for our tournaments and that's where we should be.

CNN-IBN: After the IPL, the Board will now host the inaugural Champions League tournament. Its your first tournament as hosts after this. How would you say you're looking forward to it?

Lalit Modi: Champions League will be the first tournament that will be hosted in India after this. We are all looking forward to that and we hope to make that more spectacular and hope more fans will get to enjoy it. I'm sure all the people in India who missed out on the IPL will look forward to going to the Champions League which starts on October 8.


CNN-IBN: What has been the feedback from franchises about hosting the tournament in South Africa? There were some doubts in the beginning.

Lalit Modi: We all had doubts in the beginning, and rightfully so. It was very challenging to put a tournament up in three weeks. Everyone said it couldn't be done. And people were afraid that the tournament may tank and have repercussions on the franchises and on the tournament as a whole.

Advertisers were panicking, broadcasters were panicking - there was panic all around. But that gave us all the more reason to ensure that we will make it a success. So we filled all stops and it was the BCCI and the governing council that gave all the support to let us do this. With all the help we could get, we were able to do it.

CNN-IBN: Talking about the advertising and sponsors. Initially the media planners had said that it would take a hit of about 10-15 per cent. But that was not true. You have said that the ratings are higher.

Lalit Modi: The ratings are much higher than last year. Advertisers have nothing to worry about because at the end of the day, when they sit back and retrospect, and examine the media output and their plans for the year, they always compare them to last year. They compare themselves to what is happening on television sets scenario, in that particular moment of time.

The IPL is right there at the top. There is no second place, then are the rest. So we have consistently delivered, and it goes to show that we have a global brand that we have been able to build in a short period of time. It's going to be sustained; there are over a billion people in our country. And another half a billion people around the world would be potential cricket customers or watching cricket.

I think the IPL is going to become a truly global phenomenon, bigger than any other sporting event in the years to come. Between then and now is to take it to that level. Then there is the US market. We hope that we take it there. But we have a long way to go, but that's our objective.

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