Who is Lana in “Dress to Impress”?
Lana is a nail technician in the Roblox game “Dress to Impress.” Lana has been part of “Dress to Impress,” or DTI, since the dress-up game launched in October 2023. She is a non-player character (NPC). Her character’s original look featured brown hair in a bun, a white turtleneck sweater, a white mini skirt, and white heels. While she’s always been part of the game, Lana’s name was not revealed until a game update on April 1, 2024. Players gave her the nickname “Nail Lady.”
The Beginning of Lana’s Lore
An April Fool’s Day 2024 update revealed Lana’s dark side. Lana’s avatar was now seen crying in the game. Her diary, which players could view on her desk, revealed she did not like working at the nail salon 24/7 and dealing with players who didn’t even know her name. She pledged to get revenge on her enemies and burn down the nail salon. Beside the diary was a list of names of random players and the DTI games’ developers, including Gigi, the creator of the game. Players interpreted this as a ‘hit list’ of people Lana wanted to harm. Behind Lana were three missing persons’ posters showing Roblox users submiscy, DiarBenOfficial, and M0T0PRINCESS. These avatars were rumored to belong to some of the game’s developers.
In another update, Lana claimed she’d been replaced. On April 20, 2024, DTI received a new update. Lana’s diary changed to a new entry claiming the Lana avatar in the nail salon was a doppelganger (a fake look-alike) and she (the real Lana) had been kidnapped by one of the game’s developers. The diary asked users to find the real Lana and gave them a Roblox user ID: 5759585595. The fake Lana would glitch and make jerky movements, suggesting she was not real. She also wore belted white pants instead of her usual mini skirt. In the new diary entry, Lana suggested the fake Lana was the reason players of the game were going missing. This likely referred to the players in the missing persons’ posters in the previous April Fool’s Day update.
On her profile, users found cryptic messages and a mysterious group. Following the Roblox user ID led them to Lana’s Roblox account, lanadoesnails. The account had a cryptic message which users decoded of Lana asking for help. It also contained links to a mysterious Roblox group called Saudade and a YouTube channel called “Lana Does Nails.” On Lana’s YouTube channel, creepy videos like “awakening.mp4” hinted that Lana was being controlled and manipulated by an evil being named Agamemnon. In the videos, Agamemnon warned Lana not to share the truth with DTI players. The April 20, 2024 diary entry suggested DTI was run by an evil group called The Awakening. Lana created her own group, Saudade, inviting players to resist The Awakening.
Lore from Lana’s Games (Forest, Questionnaire)
The Forest game revealed why Lana worked at the nail salon. In the game, found on Lana’s Roblox user profile, players walk through a red forest maze and read clues about Lana’s backstory. The messages explain that as a child, Lana had a terminal illness that caused her family to go into debt from medical bills. Lana survived and took a job as a nail tech from DTI creator Gigi to pay off the medical debt. Players who finished the Forest game earned a dress covered in stitches and a binary code. When decoded, the code warned players that Lana’s story was only beginning.
In Questionnaire, Lana answered questions and executed players. Titled Questionnaire, this game was a livestream experience in which players could ask Lana questions about the DTI group (The Awakening) and Lana’s group (Saudade). However, Lana’s responses would contradict themselves. One time, she would claim The Awakening wanted to experiment on DTI players. Another time, she would say the group was not evil. Posts in the Saudade group around the time of the livestreams claimed Lana’s account was being taken over by someone else. In a later Questionnaire game event, Lana executed three members of the Saudade group as a sacrifice. In the final Questionnaire server livestream, two Saudade members killed Lana’s Roblox user. However, a YouTube video titled “thelastserenade.mp4” suggested Lana would be back and had opened a gate to another dimension. By going through a portal in the Questionnaire game, players went to The Fortress. In this game, notes and writing on the walls hinted at more of Lana’s past.
Lana’s Disappearance and Replacement with Lina
Lina was a replacement for Lana in DTI. Her avatar appeared to replace Lana in the game’s nail salon after the August 30, 2024 game update. The nail salon had tipped-over furniture and moving boxes, suggesting Lana had quit. Lina was not a Lana doppelganger but a new character. Lina’s avatar has glasses and long black hair, and wears a white tank top, jeans, and black shoes. Lina’s avatar has its own Roblox user profile, @LinaDoesNails.
Players found Lana in a cage under the nail salon. By walking through a shelf against a wall, players fell through the floor and into a secret dungeon. There, Lana sat in a cage-like cell surrounded by wall graffiti which questioned if she had been replaced by another doppelganger.
Lana’s Backstory (The Lana Lore Quest)
Chapter 1 of the Lana Lore Quest showed Lana’s difficult childhood. After a Halloween 2024 update to DTI, players could access a minigame to learn more about Lana. In Chapter 1, a young Lana recalls being poisoned, questioning her identity, and needing to leave her parents and home. The player is in Lana’s childhood home when she reveals this information, and sees a two-headed monster there, thought to be her parents. Players deduced from the content of Lana’s previous YouTube videos that the evil entity, Agamemnon, had poisoned her by giving her a cursed apple. They believe he manipulated her into leaving her family as a child.
Chapter 2 of the Lana Lore Quest revealed Lana’s hospitalization. Players explored the hospital, Home of the Doves Medical Center, where Lana went for treatment for her illness after being poisoned. Clues at the hospital hinted at her poisoning with an apple and manipulation by Agamemnon. A monster, Nurse Julie, chased players during this part of the mini-game. However, players could listen to old tapes Julie made before she became a monster. The tapes revealed Nurse Julie had been Lana’s friend at the hospital before Agamemnon corrupted her.
Chapter 3 of the Lana Lore Quest resolved the lore for now. This part of the mini-game took place at the nail salon. Players had to complete a maze and fight Lina, Lana’s replacement. Lina had turned into a demonic figure. Lana was still in the cage, and players had to free her by defeating Lina. At the end of the quest, players saw Agamemnon approach a sleeping Lana while vowing that the story was not over. In Agamemnon’s speech, he referenced the gods of Olympus. This and other clues in the mini-game and Lana’s YouTube videos suggest he is a figure from Greek mythology.
How to Get Lana’s Stitch Dress
Log into Roblox and join the Forest game. Find the game by going to Lana’s Roblox user profile, @LanaDoesNails (User ID 5759585595). Scroll to her Creations section and click the game titled Forest. Click the green play button to join the game.
Walk to the portal with three other players. You spawn in a red forest. Walk through it, following other players if you can. Jump over lava blocks along the way. Hit shift to run through the part of the forest where Lana’s doppelgangers try to attack you. Keep going until you reach the portal—it’s on the left side once you’ve passed the big floating hands. The portal is a circular platform with a mirror behind it and several circles where players can stand. You and three other players must each stand on one of the four small circles on the platform (not the central circle) to trigger the portal. Once four players are standing on the portal, it will teleport you to a maze.
Complete the maze. The maze is dark, but you can activate light by pressing the “1” key on your keyboard or clicking on the red circle at the bottom of your screen. Walk next to other players to get more light. Follow the paintings of Lana as you walk through the maze. Touch the door when you reach it at the end of the maze. Toward the end of the maze, Lana’s doppelgangers will swarm around you. Hit shift to run past them. If they get to your player, you will respawn at the start of the maze.
Teleport back to Dress to Impress. Once you touch the door at the end of the maze, a cutscene plays. Then, you are automatically teleported to the DTI game. Your screen will show that you have the Lana stitch dress and 1500 worth of in-game currency.
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