Maha Shivratri is a Hindu festival dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is celebrated on the Chaturdashi Thithi of Krishna Paksha in the month of Phalguna, as per the Hindu calendar. This year, Shivratri is being celebrated today on March 8 across India. Celebrate the night of Lord Shiva’s glory with heartfelt wishes, messages, greetings, and images to share with your loved ones!
Maha Shivratri 2024 Wishes
May you and your loved ones are always surrounded by the love and blessings of Lord Shiva. Warm wishes on Maha Shivratri to you.
Sending warm wishes on the pious occasion of Mahashivratri…. May Lord Shiva shower his blessings on your family and bless you with happiness and glory, prosperity and peace…. Om Namah Shivay!!
Shivratri is the most important day for all the Shiv bhakts…. It is the day to offer prayers, it is the day to seek blessings, it is the day to thank Him for all the blessings…. Wishing you a Happy Shivratri 2024!
May Lord Shiva be always there to guide you through the good and bad times of your life. Warm greetings on Maha Shivratri to you.
On the occasion of Maha Shivratri, I extend my warm wishes to you and your loved ones. May this auspicious occasion inspire you to be like Lord Shiva.
May the divine energies of Lord Shiva are always there to bring positivity in your life. Wishing a blessed and beautiful Maha Shivratri.
Om Namah Shivay! Wishing a blessed and cheerful Shivratri to you my dear. May Lord Shiva be always there with you in this journey called life.
Warm greetings on the occasion of Shivratri to you. May you be blessed with everlasting happiness and success in life with the blessings of Lord Shiva.
May Lord Shiva shower his love and blessings on each and everyone of you. Wishing you the most beautiful celebrations on Maha Shivratri.
Sending warm wishes to all my loved ones on the auspicious occasion of Shivratri. May the high spirits of Shivratri brighten our lives with the choicest blessings of Lord Shiva.
Maha Shivratri 2024 Messages
May Lord Shiva’s blessings be with you and your family on this auspicious day of Maha Shivratri. Om Namah Shivaya!
May the divine light of Maha Shivratri remove all darkness from your life and fill it with happiness and prosperity.
On this Maha Shivratri, let us seek Lord Shiva’s guidance and blessings to overcome all obstacles in our lives.
May the power of Lord Shiva protect you and your loved ones from all harm. Happy Maha Shivratri!
Wishing you a peaceful and blissful Maha Shivratri. May Lord Shiva shower his choicest blessings upon you.
Maha Shivratri 2024 Wishes in Hindi
- महाशिवरात्रि की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं! भगवान शिव आपकी और आपके परिवार की रक्षा करें।
- इस महाशिवरात्रि पर, भगवान शिव से आशीर्वाद लें कि वे आपके जीवन के सभी दुखों को दूर करें।
- महाशिवरात्रि का यह पावन पर्व आपके जीवन में सुख, समृद्धि और सफलता लाए।
- भगवान शिव की कृपा से आपका जीवन सदैव खुशियों से भरा रहे।
- महाशिवरात्रि की शुभकामनाएं! भगवान शिव आपकी सभी मनोकामनाएं पूर्ण करें।
Maha Shivratri 2024 Greetings
Happy Maha Shivratri! May Lord Shiva’s blessings be with you always.
Har Har Mahadev! Wishing you a joyous and blessed Maha Shivratri.
Om Namah Shivaya! May the divine light of Maha Shivratri guide you on the path of righteousness.
May this Maha Shivratri bring you closer to Lord Shiva and his divine grace.
Wishing you a peaceful and prosperous Maha Shivratri!
Maha Shivratri 2024 WhatsApp Status
Om Namah Shivaya! Celebrating the auspicious occasion of Maha Shivratri.
May Lord Shiva’s blessings be with you and your family on this Maha Shivratri.
Har Har Mahadev! Seeking the divine guidance of Lord Shiva on this holy day.
Wishing you a blissful and spiritual Maha Shivratri!
May the power of Lord Shiva protect you from all harm and negativity.
Maha Shivratri 2024 Facebook Status
Happy Maha Shivratri! May the divine light of Lord Shiva illuminate your life.
Har Har Mahadev! Wishing you a joyous and blessed Maha Shivratri.
Om Namah Shivaya! May Lord Shiva shower his choicest blessings upon you.
May this Maha Shivratri bring you closer to Lord Shiva and his divine grace.
Wishing you a peaceful and prosperous Maha Shivratri!
Maha Shivratri FAQs
What is Maha Shivratri?
Maha Shivratri, literally meaning “The Great Night of Shiva,” is celebrated annually on the 14th day of the dark fortnight (Krishna Paksha) in the Hindu lunar month of Magha, which typically falls in February or March. It’s a significant festival observed by millions of Hindus worldwide and holds various meanings and traditions.
What Time Is Maha Shivratri in 2024?
Maha Shivratri is being celebrated today on March 8. Dr Ganesh Mishra, an astrologer from Central Sanskrit University in Puri, states that Falgun Krishna Chaturdashi Tithi will commence on March 8 at 9:57 pm and conclude on March 9 at 06:17 pm.
Does Shivratri Come More Than Once In A Year?
Yes, Shivratri occurs multiple times in a year, but the significant one is Mahashivratri. Shivratri falls on the 14th day of the waning phase of the moon, and this happens every month, giving us a total of 12 Shivratri occurrences annually. However, Mahashivratri, considered the most auspicious, occurs during the waning phase in the month of Falgun. So, while there are indeed several instances of Shivratri throughout the year, Mahashivratri stands out as a special and celebrated event, happening once annually.
What is the significance of Maha Shivratri?
There are several interpretations of the significance of Maha Shivratri, but many believe it marks the celestial wedding of Lord Shiva, the destroyer and regenerator, and Parvati, the goddess of power and beauty.
How is Maha Shivratri celebrated?
Maha Shivratri Celebrations vary across regions and communities, but some common practices include:
- Observing a fastDevotees often abstain from food and water for 24 hours or follow a specific diet.
- Performing puja (worship)This involves offering prayers, mantras, and various items like milk, fruits, and flowers to the Shivalinga, the iconic representation of Shiva.
- Staying awake at nightMany devotees stay awake throughout the night, engaged in prayers, devotional songs (bhajans), and meditation.
- Visiting templesDevotees visit Shiva temples to participate in special pujas, abhishekam (bathing the Shivalinga with sacred offerings), and seek blessings.
Are there any specific things I should do/avoid during Maha Shivratri?
While specific practices may vary, some general guidelines include:
- Maintaining a respectful and peaceful demeanor.
- Dressing modestly if visiting temples.
- Following the specific instructions or guidelines set by the temple or organization you’re visiting.
What are the Maha Shivratri Fasting Rules?
Observing a fast is a personal choice and not mandatory for all devotees. If you choose to fast, there are two main options:
- Complete fastAbstaining from all food and water for 24 hours.
- Partial fastConsuming specific “vrat-friendly” foods and staying hydrated with water or permitted beverages.
What can we eat while keeping fast?
Focus on Satvik food This emphasizes fresh, pure, and vegetarian ingredients believed to promote inner peace and well-being.
- FruitsApples, bananas, oranges, melons, etc.
- Milk and milk productsMilk, yogurt (plain), paneer (cottage cheese), buttermilk (without salt)
- Root vegetablesPotatoes, sweet potatoes, yams
- SabudanaUsed in various dishes like kheer, khichdi, vadas
- Buckwheat (kuttu) or sago flourUsed for making rotis, puris, etc.
- Nuts and seedsAlmonds, cashews, walnuts, peanuts (in moderation)
- SpicesSendha namak (rock salt), cumin, black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon
- Herbal teasGinger, chamomile, peppermint (without added sugar or milk)
What foods to avoid while keeping fast?
- Grains: Rice, wheat, barley, legumes (dal)
- Onions, garlic, and other strong-flavoured vegetablesHoney
- Processed foods, fried foods, and sugary drinks
- Alcohol and non-vegetarian food.
Here’s wishing everyone a very Happy Maha Shivratri!
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