New Delhi: Delhi Police has informed a court in New Delhi that, as per its orders, an FIR has been lodged against HDFC Bank along with unknown persons for allegedly cheating a retired bureaucrat of over Rs 13.6 lakh by making withdrawals from his bank account and also forging his wife's signatures.
Police was directed by the court to register an FIR on the complaint by Ramendra Nath Poddar, who retired from the post of Joint Secretary and was Legal Advisor in the Ministry of Law and Justice, under relevant provisions of the law and to investigate the matter throughly.
"Having heard the submissions and perused material available on record, in my considered opinion, the allegations as levelled by the complainant disclose the commission of a cognisable offence, which requires investigation by police. "Therefore, SHO Police Station Preet Vihar is hereby directed to register the FIR in the present case under the relevant provisions of law, investigate throughly and after completion of investigation, file the report under Section 173 CrPC at the earliest," said Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Kuldeep Narayan.
Poddar, who was also a former acting chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal for Foreign Exchange, has alleged that Rs 4,20,690 was illegally withdrawn from his bank account with HDFC Bank's Preet Vihar branch through credit/debit/ATM card by some unknown persons.
The complaint, filed through advocate Tarun Goomber, said that the amount was withdrawn from different locations and in different cities, though he had never applied for any credit/ debit/ATM Card. It was also alleged that Rs 9.41 lakh were taken out from another account, jointly operated by Poddar and his wife, by forging her signatures on false cheques.
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