What is a “passport bro?”
A “passport bro” is a man who prefers to date foreign women. He’s searching for a romantic relationship outside of his home country, hoping to find someone with conservative or traditional values. Most “passport bros" believe Western women have adopted attitudes that do not align with their preferences, and they often blame their dating struggles on feminism or women having “impossibly high” standards. Some “passport bros” travel abroad because they’re simply feeling adventurous, or enjoying a better quality of life outside of their home country. The “passport bro” movement has only increased in recent years because of the rise in remote work. Men can work from anywhere in the world and use dating apps to meet women.
Why are men looking for love abroad?
Conservative values Most “passport bros” are looking for romantic partners that are traditional and family-oriented, especially since they think Western women have adopted behaviors that go against these ideals. They want women who are willing to cook, clean, and take care of their needs, while they act as the sole breadwinner.
Wanderlust Some “passport bros” are motivated by wanderlust, or a strong desire to travel. This may be due to being cooped up at home during the COVID pandemic, or because of the rise in remote working conditions. For them, a romance abroad is extra appealing since it gives them the opportunity to immerse themselves in new cultures.
Easier dating experience According to some TikTok users, “passport bros” are seen as more desirable, interesting, and wealthy than local men. This makes it easier for them to secure dates with foreign women, and thus, increase their chances of finding a long-term romantic partner.
Better quality of life abroad In some cases, the cost of living may be lower in other countries, and it may make financial sense to move and start a new life. If a man earns $50,000 in the United States, for example, it’s around R$273,440 in Brazil. They may also move abroad because of their career path or academic endeavors, or because they want a fresh start.
Origin & Spread of the “Passport Bros” Movement
The “passport bros” movement can be traced back to World War I. During this time, thousands of American soldiers married women they met during their tour of duty overseas. They brought their “war brides” back to America at the end of their service or relocated to these foreign countries as expats. The modern idea of “passport bros” stems from the early 2000s, when Brazilian sex tourism became a topic among African-American men. Several articles documented how Black men had an easier experience dating in Brazil (compared to America), due to their race. The “passport bros” movement gained popularity in 2019, with people posting travel vlogs and relationship advice videos on YouTube. It became a TikTok trend in late 2022 within the “manosphere,” due to public figures like Kevin Samuels, Dr. Umar Johnson, and Andrew Tate.
What countries do “passport bros” travel to?
“Passport bros” love traveling to Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. They tend to visit multiple countries per year, but popular destinations include nice beaches, friendly locals, and an affordable cost of living. Here are some of the top countries that “passport bros” travel to in search of love: Argentina Brazil China Croatia Cambodia Colombia Japan Mexico Philippines Poland Romania South Korea Thailand Ukraine Venezuela Vietnam
Are “passport bros” problematic?
Yes, many of the motives behind “passport bros” are highly problematic. While there are several reasons why men travel abroad for love, most are rooted in sexist ideas that Western women are overly independent, manipulative, or materialistic. “Passport bros” can also amplify unequal power dynamics in relationships and objectify women from other countries, especially since they’re looking for a submissive partner that upholds traditional gender roles. Some “passport bros” travel abroad to engage in sexual activity, while claiming to “find a wife,” so the movement has been compared to sex tourism. Since “passport bros” tend to target underprivileged women from third-world countries (rather than independent women who have access to resources), many people view their behavior as predatory and misogynistic. On the flip side, some people believe it’s perfectly okay to go abroad if someone is struggling to date in their own country. Many social media users claim they were able to “date out of their league” in other countries and had an easier time finding love. With that being said, “passport bros” can be unprepared to date foreign women because of cultural differences. Generally speaking, individualism is the norm in Western countries, while Eastern countries prioritize collectivism. It can be incredibly difficult to adjust to a new culture, especially for men who are not emotionally ready.
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