Female Aquarius Personality Traits & Strengths
Individualistic & eccentric Aquarius women march to the beat of their own drum, and they tend to have quirky, unique personalities. “Aquarius pushes the envelope and can be kind of strange or different,” explains Eyedealism. “They want to be part of a group, but they also want to stand out from the group.” In other words, they're proud of their eccentricities, and they want to be around people who love them for who they are.
Intellectual Like the other air signs, Aquarius women are deep thinkers who want to explore complex topics and learn more about the world. They enjoy having philosophical debates, and they gravitate toward friends and romantic partners who can connect with them on an intellectual level. Many Aquarius women enjoy intellectual hobbies, like reading, visiting museums, watching documentaries, taking interesting classes, and researching things they’re interested in.
Independent & self-sufficient “Aquarius women are very independent, and they definitely need space,” says Eyedealism. They hate to feel limited or restricted by peoples’ opinions, and they have a deep desire for autonomy. An Aquarius woman won't usually ask for a lot of input or guidance from others—she has confidence in her ability to make her own decisions, and she knows she can stand on her own two feet.
Inventive & forward-thinking An Aquarius woman’s superpower is her ability to think outside the box, and she has “the potential to be inventive, brilliant, and futuristic,” explains Eyedealism. She isn’t afraid to defy convention, which helps her come up with brand-new ways to do things. She has a special talent for seeing how the world could be, rather than how it currently is.
Humanitarian Aquarian women tend to be natural humanitarians who dream of improving the world with their talents. “That’s Aquarius—how can I give to humanity? How can I be an empty vessel through which energy and information flows to the masses?” explains Eyedealism. As a result, many Aquarius women tend to be interested in social justice, environmentalism, and other humanitarian causes. This makes perfect sense, considering that Aquarius’s symbol is The Water Bearer. Just like the Water Bearer pours water out into the soil to nourish it, Aquarius pours their visionary ideas out into the world to make it a better place.
Spontaneous & exciting Aquarius women are usually not satisfied with the simple life, which is no surprise considering their bold and unique personalities. They want to experience new things, travel the world, and connect with all kinds of people. If there’s one thing an Aquarius hates, it’s feeling boxed into a regular routine, so if there’s an Aquarius woman in your life, prepare for some spontaneity and adventure!
Supportive and accepting An open-minded Aquarius woman makes an amazing friend. She’s always able to see things from different perspectives, and she’s entirely non-judgmental. Even when you think no one could relate to what you’re going through, an Aquarian woman will be able to make you feel understood. Driven by her belief that all perspectives are valuable, she can easily connect with people from all walks of life.
Female Aquarius Challenges & Weaknesses
Aquarius women can come across as a bit detached. As air signs, Aquarius women are more comfortable in the realm of the mind, as opposed to the realm of emotions. They aren’t the most sentimental people, so they can seem a bit aloof or detached at times. This isn’t because they don’t care—they just have a habit of intellectualizing their feelings and retreating into their minds sometimes. And when this happens, they might not realize that they’re coming across as unemotional.
Aquarius women can be a little rebellious. Aquarians hate to feel constrained by conventions or rules, and they prefer to go against the grain in most things. Although this can definitely be a strength, it can also hold them back. Sometimes, it’s important to follow the rules or learn from conventions and traditions. In these situations, Aquarius’s rebellious streak can present some challenges for them.
Aquarius women tend to be a bit stubborn. Although Aquarians are incredibly open minded when it comes to accepting others, they can actually be super stubborn when it comes to their own identities. “Aquarians, they're very definite about how they want to be in society,” says Eyedealism. This fixed sign can be very set in their ways, and they don’t usually appreciate advice from others. For example, an Aquarius woman wouldn’t react positively if someone suggested they slow down with one of their visionary ideas or reel in one of their more eccentric traits, even if this advice came from a good place. An Aquarius woman needs to do things her own way, and she’s usually pretty attached to her opinions, so she’d most likely disregard that person’s advice.
Aquarius women may struggle with small talk. Aquarius women usually don’t want to talk about the weather or their favorite color. They want to jump straight into more interesting topics, and they’d much rather have a philosophical debate than a casual conversation. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but their eagerness to jump into deeper conversational waters can be a bit overwhelming or off-putting for some people.
Aquarius women can be a little unpredictable. Like the other air signs, Aquarius is hard to pin down. An Aquarius woman isn’t a fan of rigid routines, and she wants to follow her interests wherever the wind blows. This can help her create a unique and exciting life, but it can also be a little disorienting for loved ones. For example, an Aquarius woman might do something completely unexpected on any given day, which can give her friends and family a bit of whiplash.
Female Aquarius Work Ethic & Careers
Aquarius women are often drawn toward humanitarian careers. Because Aquarius women care so deeply about making the world a better place, they’re usually interested in careers that align with this goal. They make excellent professors, educators, social justice advocates, lawyers, politicians, environmentalists, and non-profit employees, for example.
Aquarius women often excel in scientific or technological fields. Aquarius women are visionary thinkers, which makes them especially well suited to careers in science and technology. With their ability to imagine entirely new ways of doing things, they could easily become an inventor or the CEO of a groundbreaking tech start-up. Their ideal career would be something that marries their inventive way of thinking with their desire to make the world a better place. For example, an Aquarius woman would likely love to work as a scientist researching ways to combat climate change.
Advice for Wooing & Dating an Aquarius Woman
Start out as her friend. If an Aquarius woman has caught your eye and you’re not sure how to woo her, Garbis recommends becoming her friend. “If an Aquarius is friends with you, they’re interested in you. They blend love and friendships, so there may not be a clear line where one ends and the other begins,” she says. Don’t become her friend just to flirt with her romantically, though—this would be disingenuous. Think of this as an opportunity to get to know her better, so that you can figure out how compatible the two of you actually are before taking the next step!
Show off your unique personality. Individuality is super important to an Aquarius woman, so don’t be afraid to show off all the things that make you one-of-a-kind. “Be a little bit quirky,” suggests Garbis. “Allow your silly side to show, or wear a hint of something wild with your outfit, like a bright scarf or brooch. [Aquarius women] like things to be cutting edge, so do things a trendsetter would do.” Ultimately, if you’re being completely yourself and owning your eccentricities, an Aquarius woman you're on the right track!
Connect with her intellectually. According to Eyedealism, “You must engage with her intellectually first to see if you’re a pair.” This brainy sign needs to connect with you on a mental level to consider having a real relationship. “If you’re less intelligent than her…she won’t take you seriously in love, so the first approach with an Aquarius woman is always the intellect,” Eyedealism explains. A great way to do this is to have an interesting, philosophical convo with her. This will show her that you’re a deep thinker, while also giving her a chance to talk about the things she’s passionate about. Just don’t get too personal too fast— an Aquarius won't want to get deep into emotions right away. “Say you’re on a first date with an Aquarius woman and you ask her something super, super personal—not cool,” says Eyedealism. Instead, “talk about ideas, concepts, the idea of love or the intellectual construct of love. That would get her to relax a little bit, so you can gain more intimacy,” Eyedealism explains.
Explore her hobbies and interests. Another way to win an Aquarius’s heart is to show interest in the things she loves. “Adopt hobbies and interests that she enjoys, like playing the same video games, or going to the same Comic-Con or Sci Fi conventions,” suggests Garbis. You could also read a book by one of her favorite authors, or watch a few episodes of a T.V. show she loves. This will give you tons of things to talk about together, and it also shows her you care about the things she cares about!
Be up-front about your interest in her. If you’ve gotten to know each other better and you want to take things to the next level, you’ll likely need to tell her this directly. “Since Aquarians are so in their head, you definitely need to let them know that you’re physically interested in them, because otherwise [the relationship] becomes a thought or a construct in their head, as opposed to physical intimacy or emotional intimacy,” explains Eyedealism. In other words, don't just drop hints or insinuate that you're into an Aquarius woman. If you do this, she might not pick up on it Instead, actually say the words "I like you, do you want to go out on a date?" or something similar.
Make sure to give her enough space. Once you’re in a relationship with an Aquarius woman, remember that she’ll need space sometimes, especially when she’s busy with an important project. “For example, if she’s studying for an exam or she has some intellectual thing going on and you keep interrupting her, she’s not going to be very into it,” Eyedealism explains. “You need to give her time and space for intellectual detachment.” If the Aquarius woman in your life retreats into her mind from time to time, try not to be offended or take it personally. Her detachment doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about you—she just needs the freedom and space to pursue her intellectual interests!
Aquarius Woman Best Matches
Gemini Gemini and Aquarius make an excellent pair because they have a lot in common. As air signs, they’re intellectual and communicative, and they love to connect through interesting conversation. Gemini and Aquarius also share a need for space, so neither one is offended when the other takes some time to retreat into their mind. Both signs are friendly, quirky, and talkative, as well.
Sagittarius Fire sign Sagittarius is naturally adventurous and they love to travel, which goes along nicely with Aquarius’s desire to experience new things. Sagittarius also tends to be super philosophical and talkative, so they can hold their own in a deep convo with an Aquarius woman. All-in-all, this pairing is full of spontaneity, excitement, and intellectual stimulation!
Libra Fellow air sign Libra also makes a great match for an Aquarius woman. These two signs share a love of conversation and intellectual pursuits, so they connect with each other very easily. They also have some opposite strengths that can really complement each other. Libra is great at mediating and collaborating, so they can help individualistic Aquarius learn the value of working with others. An Aquarius woman, on the other hand, knows how to stand firm in her beliefs and advocate for herself, so she can help Libra get over their tendency to be a people pleaser. Ultimately, this can be a very harmonious and balancing match!
Aquarius Woman Worst Matches
Capricorn Capricorn and Aquarius have super different energies, which makes this pairing difficult. While Aquarius is forward-thinking, futuristic, and non-conformist, Capricorn deeply values tradition and history, and they recognize the importance of rules. Unfortunately, Capricorn and Aquarius are also equally stubborn and opinionated, so they quickly butt heads over these differences. The bright side: Aquarius and Capricorn can be a true power couple if they try to learn from each others’ differences, rather than criticizing them. Aquarius can open Capricorn’s mind and teach them to go against the grain sometimes, which can take this ambitious earth sign to the next level. On the other hand, Capricorn can help an Aquarius woman ground her visionary ideas in the rational world, so she can turn her idealistic goals into realities.
Taurus Earth sign Taurus is known for being very reliable and grounded. Aquarius women, on the other hand, are high up in the realm of philosophy and the mind. Taureans also tend to be homebodies who want things to feel familiar and safe, while unpredictable Aquarians want to explore and experience new things. Ultimately, these signs have opposite energies, which can cause challenges. The bright side: This pairing can push each other to grow and evolve. Taurus can show an energetic Aquarius the importance of rest and relaxation in the midst of their chaotic, spontaneous life. On the flip side, Aquarius can push Taurus to be more spontaneous and try new things.
Cancer As a water sign, Cancer is deeply sensitive and emotional, and they want a partner who can meet them on this level. Aquarius, on the other hand, prefers to stay in the intellectual realm most of the time. As a result, Cancer’s intense emotions can make Aquarius uncomfortable, and Aquarius’s detachment can hurt Cancer's feelings. The bright side: Even though they have many differences, Cancer and Aquarius share a deep desire to make the world a better place. This desire may come from different places—Cancer’s comes from their natural compassion and empathy, while Aquarius’s comes from their progressive, forward-thinking personality—but the end goal is the same. When this duo pairs up and accepts each others’ differences, they can really do some good for the world!
Aquarius Woman Fast Facts
Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac. This inventive air sign is co-ruled by the planets Uranus and Saturn, so it tends to combine the wild and experimental energy of the former with the diligence and discipline of the latter, explains Eyedealism. Here are some more quick facts about Aquarius: Element: Air Modality: Fixed Ruling Planet: Uranus & Saturn Symbol: The Water Bearer Most Compatible Signs: Gemini, Sagittarius, Aries, Libra Least Compatible Signs: Capricorn, Cancer, Taurus Keywords: Independent, individualistic, original, eccentric, progressive, humanitarian, open-minded, free-thinking, visionary, idealistic Aquarius Female Celebrities: Alicia Keys, Jennifer Anniston, Shakira, Kerry Washington, Laura Dern, Oprah, Elizabeth Olsen, Kelly Rowland, Megan Thee Stallion
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