How to Stand Along the Key when Free Throws Are Made
How to Stand Along the Key when Free Throws Are Made
If your team has fouled someone from the other team in the act of shooting, or if you were over the limit when the foul occurred, free throws will ensue. As the opposing player lines up to shoot, it is important to be sure your team is in the proper position to rebound.

Players must either be lined up alongside the key or outside the three-point line. Being in any other position when the ball is shot will result in a lane violation.

The right to position along the key alternates between the two teams.

In the spot closest to the basket (on both sides), the team not shooting the free throw may position a player. Customarily the tallest players on the floor will be placed here. But it is most likely that your center and forwards take the spots while the guards stay outside the lane or even the 3-point line. But then, it all depends on the position the free throw shooter.

The next closest position goes to the team shooting, and thereafter it alternates.

There is no minimum number of players required to be placed alongside the key.

If a team does not place a player in a position, the other team may move up a player closer to the basket into that position.

No movement of your feet is allowed until the ball has left the shooters hands. If your foot should cross the line marking the side of the key before the basketball leaves the shooter's hands, you may be whistled for a line violation. If the shooter is on your team, the shot will be nullified. If the shooter is on the other team, he will be given a second chance if he misses.

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