Attending an Event
Browse to look for events. Tony Robbins hosts a variety of events, and his website offers detailed descriptions for each event. Read over the different event descriptions and see what best fits your goals and desires. Tony Robbins teaches events and workshops on with subjects including self-imposed limitations, business and entrepreneurial growth, and leadership skills. His course "Unleash the Power Within" is his most popular. You can click on the “Learn More” button for more details, featured stories, and event trailers.
Click on “View Dates” to find the date for the next session. After you click on “View Details,” you will see the city and date of the workshop. Decide between your event options and click the “Learn More” button when you’ve made your selection.
Purchase your tickets to the event. After you click the “Learn More” button, scroll down to “Event Dates and Location” and click on “More Info.” The next page will have a link to purchase tickets. Click “Get Tickets,” then click on “Buy Now.” You will see an order window appear on the right of your screen. Click “Continue to Checkout” to complete your payment. For some of his workshops, it will say “Secure a Seat” rather than “Get Tickets.” This is because the particular workshop offers a few different seating and price options.
Attend your Tony Robbins event on your scheduled date. Tony Robbins hosts workshops ranging from 3 to 6 days, depending on the workshop. Make any travel arrangements, like hotels or transportation. Try to sit towards the front, if you can. Have an open mind going into the workshop, and you will learn a lot about yourself and how to improve--whether or not you get to meet Tony.
Look for any opportunity to meet Tony Robbins. Remember that you are hoping to meet Tony, and keep your eyes peeled for any opportunity to do this. This will take some creativity and patience, but anything is possible!
Try to volunteer, answer a question, or meet Tony after the event. You never know when the opportunity will come, so be alert and attentive for ways to engage with Tony personally. Perhaps he is looking for a volunteer for an example scenario or to answer a question. Be aware of these opportunities and try to catch his eye. Perhaps Tony will hang out after the event, offering time to answer individual questions. Before you leave, spend a few minutes hanging back to see if Tony comes into the crowd or approaches others off to the side of the stage.
Arranging Personal Coaching
Visit for coaching information. Tony Robbins has a team of extensively trained, successful individuals available to help you succeed. You can read about what to expect from coaching programs at this website and review personal growth resources. Tony Robbins’ coaches train for over 250 hours before they can be a coach. They also must have extensive personal success and leadership abilities, so they can best coach their clients.
Complete the informational form to initiate your personal coaching. Click on the “Get a Results Coach Today” button to bring you to a brief form to complete. Fill in your name, phone number, email, country, and occupation. Then click on “Submit.” You will then be contacted by your Tony Robbins Results Coach Strategist for a free, 30 minute session. You will be contacted either by phone or email in a few business days. You can also find the form by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking on “Schedule Your Free Session.”
Request to work one-on-one with Tony during your coaching session. As you discuss your coaching options, mention that you want to work directly with Tony Robbins. There is no guarantee you will be coached by Tony, and it may cost a pretty penny, but your coach may be able to connect you to the next step.
Becoming a Crew Member
Visit for information. Tony Robbins Crew Members have graduated from a Tony Robbins event, and they provide support during other events. The Crew Member program is designed to take the lessons learned during events and put them to practical use. Crew Members assist with a variety of event needs, including: coaching booth, product booth, customer service, live events booth, foundation booth, microphone running, door greeters, ushers, logging, production support captain, helping hands, multilingual staff, medical team, and fire team.
Review the Crew Member Guidelines to check your eligibility. Make sure you are eligible for the Crew Program by reviewing the guidelines. Individuals that have worked as a crew member at an event within the last 18 months are given preference. Preference is also given to anyone who has participated at an event in the last 18 months. Some of the requirements include attending any event within 5 years and attending the event you are requesting within 7 years. This ensures that you are up to date on material and can help others to the best of your abilities. Preference is given to those who have been crew members within the last 18 months, as well as those who have participated at any event within the last 18 months.
Click on “Apply to Crew Now” to sign into your account. The “Apply to Crew” page will bring you to the application, though you first have to sign into your account. If you have participated in an event or worked as a crew member in the past, you would have completed a Member Login to sign up.
Log into your account with your email or username, if you have one. Fill in the information you used to sign up for your previous classes, and click on “Login.” This will bring you to the application page. If you need a temporary password, click on “Forgot your password?”. Type in your registered email, click “Submit” and you’ll get an email with your credentials. If you have any issues with logging in, email [email protected].
Complete your application for the Crew Member position. Fill in all required boxes, including your name and previous programs details, and press “Submit” when finished.
Receive your acceptance status within 2 weeks. You will be notified via email regarding whether or not you are accepted or waitlisted. If you are waitlisted, you’ll be contacted if there are any openings.You will also receive detailed information about what to wear, when to arrive, and how to pick your shifts.
Seek out individual time with Tony Robbins while working an event. After your shifts begins, look for opportunities to meet Tony, like passing in the hallway or when he doesn’t look busy. You will spend much more time in proximity to Tony as a Crew Member than an event participant, so you’ll have a greater chance of meeting him.
Meet Tony one-on-one if you are the Crew Manager and Facilitator. Tony Robbins hand-picks individuals for the Crew Manager and Facilitator based on stellar performance as a Crew Member. He always meets face-to-face with them. So show Tony you are capable by being the best Crew Member you can be. Always be your authentic, successful, encouraging self, and remember that you are there to serve others. While Tony may make time for other Crew Member positions throughout the event, these positions are the only ones explicitly offered time to meet with Tony.
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