How to Lift Someone Using the Bridal or Fireman Carry
How to Lift Someone Using the Bridal or Fireman Carry
Whether you’re carrying her across the threshold or just flexing your physical prowess, lifting your girlfriend can be a fun, flirtatious activity. But it’s important to lift with the proper form, otherwise a playful moment can lead to a bummer of an injury. We’ll show you how to hold her in your arms using either a bridal carry or a fireman’s carry, then give you some extra pointers to make sure the gesture is as romantic as you envision it to be.
Things You Should Know
  • Bridal carry a girl by wrapping your arms around her back and behind her knees. Then, lift with your legs and hold her close to your body.
  • Perform a fireman’s carry by threading your arm around her right leg and lifting her torso on your shoulders.
  • Ask permission before you attempt to carry anybody, and don’t lift an injured person without proper training.

Bridal Carry

Wrap your arms around the girl’s back and behind her knees. To start, squat and place one arm around her lower back, and the other in the crook of her knees. Have her place her own arms around your shoulders to make the process of picking her up easier. A bridal carry is often called a “cradle carry” or a “princess style” carry.

Lift with your legs. When lifting an object heavier than a few pounds, lift with your legs instead of your back. This prevents back strain. Once the girl is secure in your arms, extend your legs while keeping your back straight. Keep your balance by spreading your feet apart slightly before lifting, providing you with a more stable stance. If you feel you're losing your balance, set the girl down and start over, just to be safe.

Keep the girl close to your body as you carry her. Hold her close to your body to maintain balance and a secure grip, especially when carrying someone bigger than you. Brace the girl close to your chest and engage your core, rather than letting your arms do all the lifting. Gently squeeze her legs and back, bringing her body closer to your body.

Keep your back, shoulders, and neck straight. When carrying a heavy object, keep your torso aligned as straight as possible. Bring your shoulders back, which allows your lower back to curve naturally. Imagine a vertical line is drawn between your ankles and the tip of your head. Take deep, even breaths to help you sustain your posture.

Put her down when you feel tired. Carrying a person can be strenuous work. Only carry a girl as long as you feel comfortable. When you begin to feel strain in your muscles, gently put the girl down: Squat slightly, lowering your body with your legs and not your back. Lower the arm that's holding her legs, allowing her to safely place her feet onto solid ground. Help her stand back upright if she stumbles at all while you're putting her down.

Fireman's Carry

Stand face-to-face with the girl. A fireman's carry is traditionally used to carry someone to safety in the event of an injury. It’s also a simple and fun way to lift a partner. To start, have the girl stand directly in front of you so the 2 of you are facing each other.

Grab her right arm and place your right leg between her feet. Step forward, placing your right leg between her feet in a wide, stable stance. Then, bring her right arm over your shoulder, holding her forearm with your left hand. Place your neck under the girl's armpit and wrap your right arm around her right knee. Alternatively, place your left leg between her feet and grab her left arm and left leg, if you favor that side of your body.

Lift the girl with your legs. Once you feel secure, straighten your legs first, then keep your core tight as you straighten your back. Make sure her armpit rests across your neck, with her legs on the right side of your body. For better stability, grab her right arm with your right hand. To set her down, squat until her feet touch the ground. Then, let her stand upright while you remove your arm from around her knee.

Taking Precautions

Move slowly to avoid strain or injury. If you're not a weight lifter by practice, go slowly when lifting someone. Lifting with your legs can reduce the risk of back strain, but it does not completely eliminate it. Pay attention to your body. If you feel strained, stop the activity immediately. To train for lifting a person, exercise your arms, build leg muscles, and train your core.

Avoid picking someone up in an emergency if you lack professional training. The fireman's carry is primarily used to transport injured victims during emergencies and accidents. That said, avoid using it if you do not have professional training. You could inadvertently make someone's injuries worse. Only use the fireman's carry for fun.

Ask permission before lifting someone. Even if you've been dating a girl for a while, she may not find being carried fun or romantic. Make sure to ask if it's okay beforehand, especially if you've never lifted her before. Also pay attention to body language—if she's standing with her arms folded, is touching her neck, or is stepping back, you may be invading her personal space.

Ask your partner if they’re comfortable being lifted in public. For many reasons, a girl may dislike being picked up in public. For example, some people are uncomfortable with public displays of affection. Getting picked up may also expose someone’s underwear, which can be uncomfortable. Use your hands or arms to secure their clothing and ensure they’re covered.

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