How to Fake a Smile
How to Fake a Smile
Faking a smile seems like it should be as easy as curling your mouth upwards, but in reality, it’s easy to spot the difference between a fake smile and a real smile. By understanding what makes a real smile, it will be easier for you to fake one. And since smiling can trick your brain into feeling happy, you might end up smiling for real![1]
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Mastering a Realistic Expression

Take a few deep breaths so you feel relaxed. If you’re in a situation where you need to fake a smile, take a moment to try to relax. If you're tense, your muscles will stiffen and your smile will look forced. Before you smile, take a deep breath or two and try to clear your mind so you can be as relaxed as possible. You might not have a lot of time before you have to fake smile, but it doesn't take long to take a nice, deep breath.

Draw up the corners of your mouth. The most obvious part of a smile is to curl up the corners of your mouth, creating a smiley-face curve with your lips. You should feel the smile extend up and out into your cheeks. The muscles that you use to control a smile are called the zygomatic major.

Don't pinch your mouth shut. As you’re drawing up your cheeks to form your smile, try to keep your mouth relaxed, or else the smile will look forced. Part your lips slightly as you smile, or open your lips a little wider to show off a toothy grin!

Bring the smile into your eyes. A natural smile will affect your whole face, including your eyes. When you’re practicing a realistic smile, the corners of your eyes should crinkle slightly. The muscles used here are called the orbicularis oculi, and while you can’t contract them voluntarily, you can mimic a realistic smile by squinting slightly. In addition to squinting the muscles around your eyes, you may want to slightly raise your eyebrows.

Say a word that ends in "uh" instead of saying "cheese." You’ve probably heard the phrase “Say Cheese!” a million times before taking a picture, but this won't give you a realistic smile. That’s because you clench your jaw when you say the word “cheese,” and the ee sound stretches your mouth. Instead, say a word ending in “uh,” like “karma” or “mocha.” Words ending in the syllable "uh" will create a more natural, relaxed expression that resembles a real smile.

Put your tongue behind your upper front teeth to make your smile look natural. This trick, often used by fashion models, helps keep you from tensing up your smile. Since your face looks more relaxed, your smile will appear more natural. This is a great trick if you need to fake a smile for a photo, but it works in real life too. For the most relaxed results, just rest the very tip of your tongue against the back of your front top teeth.

Practice smiling in front of a mirror every day. If you practice smiling for a few minutes every day, eventually it will become easier, and you'll look more natural. As you’re looking in the mirror, think of something that makes you genuinely smile. Pay attention to how the muscles in your face feel, especially around your eyes. When you need to fake a smile, try to recreate that feeling! By seeing yourself smile in the mirror, you can get more comfortable with your smile. Don’t worry if you don’t have perfect teeth or if your cheeks look round when you’re smiling. A nice smile will make you more attractive, no matter what. For even more practice, smile at random strangers throughout the day.

Thinking of Something That Makes You Smile

Think of a happy memory to create a peaceful smile. No matter how much you practice, the best smile is a real one. When you need to show off a bright, genuine smile, think of a time when you were really happy. Think of something nice someone did for you, something you did that made you feel proud, or just a time when you were having fun and laughing with your friends or family. You might think about the time you aced a really tough test, a great day with your friends, or your favorite birthday. Once you have that moment, let it fill you up until you start to naturally smile. If you’re having trouble thinking of a happy time, try to imagine all of the people you’re with wearing silly outfits, like chicken costumes or pirate hats! The more serious the situation, the better this will work!

Remember a funny joke to smile more brightly. Smiling and laughing go hand in hand, so if you can think of something funny, you’ll be more likely to smile! You could think of something funny that happened to you, something you read, or something that you saw on TV. As long as it makes you laugh, it will work! If you have a minute to prepare, try looking up some memes on your phone, or read through some texts with one of your funniest friends.

Imagine spending time with people you love if you need more help. Nothing will put a smile on your face faster than seeing someone you love. If you need to fake a smile, just take a moment to imagine that you’re surrounded by the people who mean the most to you. This can look different for everyone. You might picture your grandma with a plate full of cookies, or you might think about holding hands with your spouse on an early date. Just let the pleasant memories come to you.

Picture a cute animal if you can't think of anything else. If you’re a pet lover, this is sure to produce an instant smile! There’s just something about the antics of cute animal that creates delight in most people. Just imagine a cute, fuzzy animal, then imagine yourself playing with it, talking to it, and having it show you affection. As soon as you feel your face light up, you’re good to go! You might picture a soft, fluffy kitten rubbing its face on your hand, a sweet pup asking for a belly rub, or even an iguana giving you kisses if that’s what you like. This happy reaction to pets is the reason that therapy animals have become so popular in recent years!

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