Best “Together We Could” Hinge Answers
Use a friendly or amusing conversation starter to attract more swipes. On dating apps, your photos and your prompt answers are the first impression you make on potential matches. Encourage people to match with you by answering prompts in a way that allows them to start up a conversation. Show off your sense of humor, share some genuine ideas of what you want to do, or ask questions your matches can answer. Try to be as specific as you can to increase your chances of getting a date. Here are some examples: “Sell all our possessions, start a vlog, travel the world, and become the people we love to hate.” “Conquer the world…or at least get a Eurail pass and visit all of Europe.” “Fall in love, move to Italy, become award-winning pizza chefs, open a chain of restaurants, and generally live a good life.” “Look at each other like we look at pizza.” “Build a time machine. If you could visit any time period past or future, where would you go?” “Backpack through Europe. Paris, Rome, and Venice are on my bucket list.” “Become foodies, but in a weird way. I once tried garlic-flavored ice cream. What’s the weirdest food combo you’ve had?” “Take our dogs on playdates and watch them make better choices than we do.” “Compare our equally terrible dance moves and make everyone else feel better about themselves.” “Attempt to cook a fancy dinner, accidentally set off the smoke alarm, then order a pizza.” “Try to find a first date spot with the least probability of running into someone we know.” “Start a two-person band, even if we’re tone deaf.” “Create a food blog about our quest to find the best tacos.” “Have a staring contest. Winner picks the first date location.” “Learn an unusual skill together. I’ve always wanted to learn how to juggle!”
Funny “Together We Could” Hinge Answers
Choose a funny answer to find someone who shares your sense of humor. Often, people say they want a partner who has a good sense of humor, so why not show yours right off the bat? Think of some puns, be sarcastic, or come up with an outrageous answer for what you and your match could do together. Here are some examples: “Start a conspiracy theory that pigeons are actually government drones. Wake up, sheeple!” “Replace the air filter in my AC unit. Not sexy, but needs to be done.” “Be like when oxygen and magnesium get together… because people will be saying OMg.” “Train my cat to do stand-up comedy. Trust me, he’s got some killer material.” “Master the art of parallel parking and become legendary in the world of tight spaces.” “Organize a protest against orange cats. I’ve had enough of their evilness.” “Be the crazy couple downstairs who believe the government is run by lizard people.” “Go on adventures, or just find different places to nap.” “Give our therapists a lot to talk about.” “Watch serial killer documentaries before bed, then think every noise in the night is a murderer.” “Find definitive proof Mothman is real.” “Become the world’s most mediocre crime-fighting duo.” “Start a cult with Michael Cera as our leader.” “Create a series of short films based on the most ridiculous dreams we've had. Warning: May include flying pizzas and talking dogs.” “Have a fall so great not even the king’s horses and men could put us together again.”
Cheeky “Together We Could” Hinge Answers
Show your matches you don’t take yourself too seriously. If you’re laid back and love to have fun, make sure that comes across in your Hinge profile. While you should strive to be authentic with some of your answers, it’s okay to be a bit sarcastic or cheeky in one or two. Here are some examples: “Finally solve the age-old question: is a hot dog a sandwich? Spoiler: it's a taco.” “Start a support group for people who can't resist clicking on clickbait articles (You won't believe number 7!)” “Hold each other back from going off on that one annoying co-worker.” “Get old and yell at our neighbors without being judged.” “Make people roll their eyes by referring to each other as ‘my little baby pookie bear.’” “Have important discussions, like whether the people ruling our country are reptiles or not.” “Report every ad shown to us for no reason other than being annoying.” “Build a blanket fort empire and establish strict fort-building codes.” “Comfort each other while we’re both having panic attacks caused by the impending nuclear/pandemic/climatic apocalypse.” “Get matching tattoos to prove our love for each other.” “Create a secret handshake for people who hate small talk at parties.” “Create a mismatched sock fashion line that revolutionizes laundry day.” “Discuss the pitfalls of income taxes over a bottle of wine.” “Solve the mystery of why people clap when the plane lands.” “Start a podcast where we only review cheap fast food.”
Personal “Together We Could” Hinge Answers
Attract like-minded people by sharing your genuine interests. It’s great to show off your sense of humor in your Hinge prompts, but your potential matches also want to get to know you. Consider answering the “Together we could…” prompt with things you actually want to do or with things that show off your personality and interests. Here are some examples: “Create a bucket list and cross off every item, one adventure at a time.” “Volunteer at animal shelters and inevitably end up adopting way too many pets.” “Take cooking classes and compete to see who can make the best meal.” “Create a time capsule to be opened in 20 years, filled with our hopes and dreams.” “Take turns planning surprise weekend trips for each other. No deserted islands or haunted mansions, please.” “Start a small garden and nurture it together. If we can keep plants alive, maybe we can keep a relationship alive, too!” “Experiment with baking. At least I won’t be alone when I burn the kitchen!” “Be one of those couples with matching profile pictures on social media. Cringe, but cute AF!” “Try out every small, home-owned restaurant because I swear they have the best food and the best prices.” “Learn how to make cocktails at home so that we don’t have to go bar hopping every weekend.” “Travel the world and eat the signature dish of each country.” “Start a two-person book club where we read the same book and leave notes in the margins for each other.” “Train for a marathon while debating which superhero would actually win in a race.” “Visit every museum in the city and make up elaborate stories about the art pieces.” “Start a neighborhood skill-swap where we teach what we know and learn what we don't.”
Interesting “Together We Could” Hinge Answers
Prove that you’re fun to be around with an intriguing answer. Think about the things you enjoy and the aspects of your personality that make you stand out from the crowd. What can you say that will make your profile unique? Consider answering the prompt with something fun you want to try—even if it is a bit out there. Get creative! Here are some examples: “Book one-way tickets to a random destination and figure out the rest when we land.” “Learn to paint together and host 'bad art' nights where we embrace our lack of talent.” “Create elaborate backstories for dogs we see in the park.” “Perfect our karaoke duet routine until we're banned from at least three venues.” “Start a collection of the worst tourist trap souvenirs we can find.” “Become regulars at a coffee shop and gradually convince the staff we're different people every time we visit.” “Create a neighborhood scavenger hunt that gets progressively more legendary each year.” “Start a tradition of celebrating obscure holidays from around the world.” “Launch a podcast where we discuss the most bizarre conspiracy theories, complete with dramatic reenactments.” “Crash a stranger’s wedding and object during the vows.” “Pretend to date to make our exes jealous, then accidentally fall in love in the process.” “Attend a concert of a band we’ve never heard of and find a new favorite artist.” “People-watch in the park and invent lives for each person we see.” “Start a podcast where we only review movies we’ve never seen.” “Go on a road trip where we only stop at towns with weird names.”
“Together We Could” Hinge Answers for Guys
Let your authentic self show in your answer to get more matches. Often, men report having a harder time getting matches on dating apps than women. To increase your chances, provide thorough, interesting answers to your prompts. Show off your sense of humor and interests to make potential matches see why you’d be a good boyfriend (or situationship, if that’s what you’re into). Here are some examples: “Hold hands when watching a scary movie so that I don’t literally pee my pants.” “Make a goal of dieting as a couple and give up in under a month. I need someone with as little determination as me.” “Beat the Anor Londo level on Dark Souls. Two heads are better than one, I guess.” “Spoon while watching lost SpongeBob episodes.” “Take turns cooking so that we don’t solely eat the horrible food I cook.” “Motivate each other. If you’re constipated, expect to hear me yelling from the other side of the door: ‘WOOHOO!! YOU GOT THIS, BABE!’” “Get a waterbed instead of conforming to societal norms. Oh, a mattress is more convenient? Sure, buddy…sure.” “Have fun playing table tennis with neither of us rage-quitting and driving home together in silence.” “Talk about things that bother us, no matter how small they might seem. You didn’t like how I sounded over text? Explain it to me!” “Set our phone backgrounds to photos of each other making silly faces.” “Flirt with each other and annoy people to the point they have to get up and leave. Yay! Alone time.” “Build a time travel machine and go back in time before Harambe was shot.” “Fill up a nice bath and have battleship wars with toys!” “Pretend we’re celebrities while going to the store. I’ll be your security guard and yell at everyone to back up.” “Watch the bouncing DVD logo until it goes directly in the corner.”
“Together We Could” Hinge Answers for Girls
Share your real, engaging interests to match with interesting people. In general, men and women can answer the “Together we could” Hinge prompt the same way, but don’t be afraid to share your more feminine interests, even if you’re looking to match with men. It’s important that your matches get to know the real you. Be funny and genuine. Here are some examples: “Find out if you’re lying about your height.” “Reenact the Eras Tour in my living room.” “Care for plants like they’re our children. We can even name them and convince others we’re crazy.” “Help each other when a zombie apocalypse breaks out. You have a plan, right?” “Hate on people who choose to wear neon clothes.” “Plan an intervention for my bestie’s addiction to toxic men.” “Grow old together and annoy our grandkids with ‘Back in my day’ stories.” “Send TikToks to one another at 3 am when we’re both up, questioning the meaning of life.” “Try out that “Hear Me Out Cake” trend. FYI, someone picked 8… the number 8!” “Talk about the negative effects patriarchy has had on the world and how it’s hurting men more than they think.” “Be that couple that religiously wears fanny packs!” “Lie to people about how we met. I want a meet cute like we’re in a rom-com.” “Eat a lot of ice cream and ignore the fact that we’re lactose intolerant.” “Judge the interior design choices in multimillion dollar homes.” “Correctly apply self tanner on my back.”
How to Write a Good Hinge Answer
Make sure your answer reflects what you’re looking for. Think about what you’re hoping to get out of Hinge—are you looking for a long-term relationship or a hookup? The way you answer your prompts can give potential matches an idea of whether or not you’ll be a good fit. Consider providing more genuine, personal answers if you’re looking for a relationship, or more flirty, suggestive answers if you’re looking for something casual. For example, if you’re looking for a hookup, you might answer the “Together we could” prompt with “Have a one-night stand and never refer to it again.”
Keep your answers date-related. Sometimes, people have a hard time taking things off the app and actually setting up a date. To make things easier on you (and your matches), try to base your answers on date ideas or activities. This is especially true with prompts like “Together we could…,” as they provide the perfect opportunity to suggest a fun date, like going ice skating or trying a new taco spot.
Think of answers that will make your date feel included. Don’t make things too one-sided by only focusing on your interests. For example, you may love staying at home and watching NBA games, but that may not be something your matches are interested in. When answering the “Together we could…” prompt, try to think of activities you’d both enjoy.
Be honest and be yourself. Don’t say something just because you think that’s what your potential matches want to hear. Remember, your matches want to get to know you as a person, so it’s important to be your authentic self. Answer your prompts in a way that truly reflects you and things you’d actually enjoy doing with a date.
Avoid one-word answers. Your answers to dating app prompts should be conversation starters. Give enough information to pique your potential match’s interest so they can reply with a question or comment of their own. One-word answers are often hard to respond to, as they don’t show off your personality. Describe yourself as specifically as possible to stand out.
Avoid common one-liners. While we’ve given you a lot of great examples of Hinge prompt answers in this article, remember to make them your own. Pick something that stands out. If you provide the same answers as everyone else on the app, your potential matches may be less interested. Be unique! For example, a common answer for the “Together we could” prompt is “Get off this app.” Instead, think of things you could do together that may lead to a relationship and make you delete the app.
How to Choose the Best Hinge Prompts
Choose a prompt that highlights your strengths. Think about your best qualities and the parts of your personality you want to show off to a potential partner, and pick a Hinge prompt that would best display those traits. For example, if you like to travel, you might pick a prompt like “This year I really want to…” and answer with a place you want to visit. Or, if you’re very passionate about a certain opinion, go for the “Change my mind about…” prompt. If you don’t have a good, engaging answer for a certain prompt, skip it! Remember, your profile is your potential matches’ first impression of you, so make it a good one. Pick prompts that highlight different aspects of your personality and interests. You don’t want to answer 3 versions of the same question!
Answering More Popular Hinge Prompts
All I ask is… Answering the “All I ask is…” prompt is a great way to let your potential matches know what’s important to you. This can be something serious about what you want in a relationship or about a silly quirk you have. Here are some example answers: “That you don’t eat the last fry without asking—it’s sacred!” “That you don’t judge me for singing Disney songs in the shower.” “For you to be as weird as I am about organizing the dishwasher.”
Change my mind about… If you’re looking for a friendly debate, consider answering the “Change my mind about…” prompt. This is a great option if you have any strong or “controversial” opinions, and it can lead to some interesting conversations. Here are some example answers: “Why cats are better than dogs. I bet you can’t!” “Sushi. So many people love it, but I don’t get the hype.” “Aliens. I know they exist.”
Dating me is like… Answering the “Dating me is like…” prompt allows you to warn potential matches about what they’re getting themselves into. Keep this prompt lighthearted and avoid being self-deprecating. Show your matches how fun dating you can be! Here are some example answers: “Getting lost on purpose because the detours are fun.” “Finding an extra fry at the bottom of the bag—surprisingly delightful!” “A thrift shop. Unique, a bit quirky, and you might find a treasure.”
Don’t hate me if I… Got any red flags? Answering the “Don’t hate me if I…” prompt is an opportunity for you to tell potential matches about any minor quirks you have. This can help you avoid people you may not be compatible with. Besides—the right person will probably find them endearing! Here are some example answers: “Spend more time trying to decide what to watch than actually watching the movie.” “Start decorating for Christmas on November 1st.” “Wake you up at 2 am to kill a spider in the bathroom.”
Green flags I look for… The “Green flags I look for…” prompt allows you to be straightforward and tell potential matches what you’re looking for in a partner. Feel free to be a bit silly with this prompt, and show your matches what quirks you admire in other people. Here are some example answers: “You hold the doors for other people, even if they’re awkwardly far away.” “You appreciate a good pun.” “You offer to split dessert but secretly want the whole thing.”
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