What To Do If You're Dating Someone With Anxiety
What To Do If You're Dating Someone With Anxiety
Psychologist Dr Jenn Anders provided invaluable insights and essential strategies to effectively support your loved one.

Living with anxiety can pose significant challenges, not just for the individual experiencing it, but also for their partner. The impact of anxiety can be distressing, and uncertain, and can even strain the relationship. But, as a caring and supportive partner, you have the power to make a significant difference in your loved one’s life. In a recent Instagram post titled “How to Help a Partner with Anxiety,” psychologist Dr Jenn Anders provided invaluable insights and essential strategies to effectively support your loved one. Together, you can overcome the obstacles and foster a loving and supportive environment for growth and healing.

A post shared by dr. jenn anders psy.D | psychologist (@the.anxiety.doc)

  1. Acknowledge Their Struggle: Recognise that anxiety is a real and valid condition that affects your partner’s well-being. By showing empathy and understanding, you create a safe space for them to express their feelings and experiences without judgment. Let them know that you understand and accept their anxiety as a genuine challenge.
  2. Don’t Minimize Their Feelings: Avoid downplaying or dismissing their anxiety. Even if their concerns seem irrational to you, it’s important to remember that anxiety can distort perceptions and heighten emotions. Instead, offer reassurance and understanding, emphasizing that their feelings are valid and that you are there to support them.
  3. Communicate Without Judgment: Maintaining open and non-judgmental communication is essential. Create a safe space for your partner to express their fears, worries, or concerns without fear of criticism. Practice active listening and be patient and attentive during their anxious moments. Avoid giving unsolicited advice and instead focus on providing empathy and understanding.
  4. Help Them Feel Safe: Anxiety often thrives on uncertainty and unpredictability. Foster a sense of safety and stability within your relationship. Establish routines and structure that can provide reassurance and stability. Be reliable and consistent in your words and actions, helping your partner feel secure and grounded.
  5. Encourage Them to Seek Help: While your support as a partner is essential, it’s crucial to recognize that professional help plays a vital role in managing anxiety. Encourage your partner to seek therapy or counselling from a qualified mental health professional. Offer assistance in researching therapists, scheduling appointments, or even accompanying them if they desire. Remember, the decision to pursue therapy is a personal one, and your partner may feel hesitant or resistant.

Supporting a partner with anxiety requires compassion, patience, and understanding. Remember, you are not responsible for ‘fixing’ their anxiety, but by being a supportive partner, you can contribute to their overall well-being and strengthen your bond. Together, you can navigate the challenges of anxiety and build a healthier, more fulfilling life.

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