Now advertisement through SMS space
Now advertisement through SMS space
Corporate houses are planning to target personal SMS messages to grab more revenue at lower service costs for subscribers.

New Delhi: Corporate houses are planning to target personal SMS messages to grab more revenue at lower service costs for subscribers.

The developers of the application say that it can be deployed in both GSM and CDMA networks and it will deliver operators the ability to increase revenues through opt-in advertising.

The new technology, to be demonstrated at the upcoming 3GSM Congress in Barcelona, is developed by San-Francisco based Amobee Media Systems, while Dublin-based Anam Mobile is the technology provider.

So what is the benefit for the end-users? Subscribers who choose to receive advertising messages will have their network charges lowered.

"In countries like India where texting is very popular the concept will attract new mobile customers as well as facilitate greater use of texting," PTI quoted Glenn Murray, Anam Mobile saying.

This new medium could act as a new measurable advertising channel for brands and provide mobile users the ability to communicate more for less.

"Text messaging has the greatest network traffic beyond voice so therefore the greatest potential to enhance revenues from advertising sources. The network cost of implementing the solution is relatively low compared to the revenue potential," Murray added.

The promoters say the ads can be made to be relevant to the content of the message using key words, or the locations of the sender and recipient.

Since it will be an 'opt-in' option, the levers are in the hands of the consumer. He could opt for an advertisement in the SMS messages he is getting for a lower price or get a message at a normal rate without an advertisement.

'In-game' advertising is already being to bring the down the costs of mobile games to encourage cell-phone users to download more games and play them on their phones.

The success of the concept depends upon the individual operator and the subscribers who will opt in, but for the penny-pinching Indians, it is just another medium to save a few more bucks.

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