Shooter Planned the Munich Shooting for More than a Year: Investigation
Shooter Planned the Munich Shooting for More than a Year: Investigation
Kosovo held a day of mourning on Sunday for three young ethnic Albanians — two women and one man — who were among the nine people killed in the shooting in Munich.

Munich: Investigators looking into Friday's mass shooting in Munich say the gunman spent more than a year preparing his attack.

Bavarian investigator Robert Heimberger said the 18-year-old shooter, identified only as David S., visited the site of a previous school shooting in the German town of Winnenden and took photographs.

He said the shooter, who likely got his illegal weapon through the internet's "dark net" market, was an avid player of first-person shooter video games, including "Counter-Strike: Source."

Thomas Steinkraus-Koch, spokesman for Munich prosecutor's office said there is still no evidence of any political motivation to the crime, nor that the shooter killed specific victims.

Kosovo held a day of mourning on Sunday for three young ethnic Albanians — two women and one man — who were among the nine people killed in the shooting in Munich.

Flags were at half-staff at all public institutions. Two other Albanians of Kosovo origin wounded in Friday's shooting.

Residents in the capital, Pristina, said they were horrified by the shooting.

"There is nothing worse, not only for Albanians but for the whole of civilization," added Luljeta Dragaj, another resident.

Bavaria's top security official says Germany needs to be able to call upon its military in times of crisis like Friday night's shooting rampage at a Munich mall.

With an eye on the Nazi era excesses, Germany's post-war constitution only allows the Bundeswehr to be deployed domestically in a national emergency.

But state Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann told Welt am Sonntag newspaper,on Sunday that the regulations are obsolete, with "an absolutely stable democracy in our country."

"In extreme situations — like for example the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels — we should also be able to call upon the Bundeswehr in Germany," he said. "It makes no sense to say we categorically reject that."

An 18-year-old with a pistol killed nine and wounded dozens on Friday evening before taking his own life.

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