India announces $500,000 assistance to Jordan
India announces $500,000 assistance to Jordan
The cash assistance of $ 0.5 million to Jordan is part of the pledge made by India at the 3rd Pledging Conference on Syria held in Kuwait in March.

New Delhi: India on Monday announced a cash assistance of $500,000 to Jordan to meet the enormous impact of Syrian refugee crisis.

"India contributes $0.5 mn to Jordanian government to alleviate financial burden on account of Syrian refugees," Indian Ambassador to Jordan Anil Trigunayat, who met Minister of Planning & International Cooperation for Jordan Imad Fakhoury, tweeted.

The cash assistance of $ 0.5 million to Jordan is part of the pledge made by India at the 3rd Pledging Conference on Syria held in Kuwait in March.

Later, an official release said, "in appreciation of the Jordanian government's efforts and in keeping with our historical and brotherly relations, the government decided to extend, bilaterally... The cash assistance of USD 0.5 million constitutes the first ever cash assistance from the Government of India to the Government of Jordan on bilateral basis...Last year also USD 0.5 million was paid to Jordan Response Fund."

It also said that India continues to remain committed to assist, cooperate and working with the government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in its endeavour to confront these challenges for the benefit of human kind.

More than four million Syrians have been forced out of their home country since fighting began there in 2011 and many were hastily resettled in squalid refugee camps in neighbouring countries including Jordan.

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