We’ve all heard many stories of breakups that ended horribly. While some couples decide to keep their distance from one another, others seek revenge. But, what is the best course of action for exacting revenge or preventing them from being at peace, at the very least? You may have even heard of someone damaging or stealing the possessions of others. However, in the most absurd thing someone could do, a man decided to steal his girlfriend’s toilet following a breakup.
A woman posted about her breakup on Reddit, stating that she ended her relationship with her boyfriend because, among other things, he “doesn’t pay his way” and “refuses to tip service staff”—qualities she finds unacceptable in a committed relationship.
Shortly after their split, she went to bed in her bedroom as he packed his belongings to depart their shared property. However, she slept off as he was gathering his belongings, and once she woke up, she found her toilet missing.
The woman went on to say that since the ex had a plumbing license, he was skilled in his field. The woman shared her opinions on the topic, saying she was divided between laughing and being irritated.
She was compelled to go to Taco Bell every single time she had to use the loo because there was no other toilet in the house. Fortunately, though, she was able to contact another plumber and is now in possession of a brand-new toilet.
I split up with my boyfriend yesterday. I fell asleep while he was packing and he stole my toilet.byu/shelblikadoo inWTF
A user made a hilarious comment saying, “Shouldn’t have told him to take all his shit and leave.”
Another user said, “Now that’s taking petty to a whole new lower level.”
Meanwhile, another user made a cheeky comment saying, “A King can stand the loss of a Queen, but never the throne.”
“Lol – that sucks. But he now has a story that’s going to get him a free beer at every single bar he goes to for the rest of his life,” said another user.
Many individuals in the comment section seemed to be curious as to whether the guy stole the toilet since he had purchased it.
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