Meet 'Gachh Dadu', an 80-year-old Man Who Got This Name For His Love For Trees
Meet 'Gachh Dadu', an 80-year-old Man Who Got This Name For His Love For Trees
Bankim Chakraborty is a teacher, the people of the area know him by 'Gachh Dadu'. He made his life's resolution of planting abundant trees.

Standing in the 21st century, when, with each passing day we realise the need for plantations, an 80-year-old Bankim Chakraborty is continuously fostering the habit. Despite his old age, he continues to serve the trees in the sun, storm and rain. Although Bankim Chakraborty is a teacher, the people of the area know him by ‘Gachh Dadu’. He made his life’s resolution of planting abundant trees. A variety of rare plants can be seen around his house – haritaki, amla, agnishwar, bayra, cloves, pepper with cinnamon. There was even a sandalwood tree, but it has been stolen. Many types of plants and flowering plants, even plants with two colours of flowers can be seen in the house of ‘Gachh Dadu’.

To protect the balance of the environment, he has made a habitat for birds with clay pots. Birds also have an important role to play in protecting the environment, senses former teacher Bankim Chakraborty. The house where he spends most of his time is surrounded by various plants. For his noble work, he received recognition and honour from various institutions. ‘Gachh Dadu’ has two sons, among them, the elder son lives abroad. Bankim Babu and his wife Malti Chakraborty, along with their younger son, have been nurturing trees and birds for a better future. Their behaviour displayed that trees are truly connected with their lives.

This old couple talked about their various experiences and incidents with trees. When the sandalwood tree was stolen, they were completely heartbroken. He even cried while talking about the incident. He forgets the regret of not having his own daughter with these trees. Mr and Mrs Chakraborty take care of the tree as their own daughter. So, it’s an earnest request made by ‘Gachh Dadu’ to the people of the society to plant as many trees as possible.

If Bankim Chakraborty is invited to any event, saplings are the gifts he presents. ‘Gachh Dadu’ said that planting trees is the only way for all of us to survive pandemics like Covid-19 and to maintain the balance of the environment, as well as to protect ourselves from global warming.

Environmentalists and various philanthropic organisations in the area have appreciated the work of ‘Gachh Dadu’.

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