65% Teachers Over-burdened, 92% Call for Need for Training: NAS Report
65% Teachers Over-burdened, 92% Call for Need for Training: NAS Report
While 97 per cent teachers claimed to have job satisfaction, at least 92 percent of them believed that there is scope for professional development.

Most of the teachers in India claim that the pandemic has left them ‘overburdened’. 65 per of teachers who were surveyed all across the country claimed that they are overburdened. Meanwhile, about 92 per cent of them also claimed that their should be better training for the teachers, reveals National Achievement Survey (NAS) 2021 report.

The survey conducted by  Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Education reveals that at least 44 per cent school teachers in India do not have adequate work space. The survey also found that just 58 per cent teachers participated in discussions around the new National Education Policy (NEP).

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Over 5 lakh teachers of 1.18 lakh schools in 720 districts from both rural and urban areas participated in the survey which was conducted throughout the country on November 12 last year. The last NAS was held in 2017. The survey’s technical report adds that more than 2,70,000 teachers were sampled for the survey.

Only 42 per cent teachers participated in individual or collaborative research while just 58 percent teachers participated in discussions around new NEP, it said. While 97 per cent teachers claimed to have job satisfaction, at least 92 percent of them believed that there is scope for professional development.

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The survey pointed out that at least 52 percent teachers participated in professional development programmes conducted by DIETs, CBSE, and NCERT.

The survey highlights that in 2021, over 92 per cent teachers feel that there is “scope for professional development of teaches in schools. They survey also found that of the total surveyed teachers, 65 per cent of them feel that they are over worked. Additionally, 44 per cent of them also claims that they do not have adequate space to work. Despite have challenges that teachers face, a total of 97 per cent of teachers claimed that they have job satisfaction. The survey added that just about a 7 per cent schools nationally faced issues of teacher absenteeism.

The national-wide survey is a report that assesses the health of school education system in the country by conducting evaluation survey of children’s learning competencies at grades third, fifth, eight and 10 with a cycle period of three years. The last NAS was held in 2017 and this survey is for 2021.

This survey was held on November 12, 2021 at all India level and covered government schools (central government and state government); government aided schools; and private unaided schools. This nation-wide survey was administered by the CBSE in one single day at the same time.  The survey covered subjects including language, mathematics and EVS for grade third and fifth; language, mathematics, science and Social Science for class 8th and language, mathematics, science, social science and English for grade 10.

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