Theatres, Swimming Pools, Yoga Centres to Reopen in Maharashtra Tomorrow amid Strict Guidelines
Theatres, Swimming Pools, Yoga Centres to Reopen in Maharashtra Tomorrow amid Strict Guidelines
All these establishments were closed since lockdown was imposed to contain coronavirus in March. Last month the state had allowed hotels and bars to reopen.

Cinema halls, drama theatres, multiplexes, swimming pools and yoga institutes in Maharashtra can reopen outside containment zones from November 5, the state government said on Wednesday. Cinema halls, multiplexes and drama theatres will be allowed to operate with 50 percent of seating capacity and no eatables will be allowed inside.

All these establishments were closed since lockdown was imposed to contain coronavirus in March. Last month the state had allowed hotels and bars to reopen. As per the latest government guidelines, swimming pools used for training of state-, national- and international-level sportspersons and located outside containment zones can operate from November 5.

Yoga institutes, indoor sports facilities such as badminton halls, tennis, squash courts, indoor shooting ranges will also be allowed to operate from Thursday. Physical distancing and sanitization must be ensured, the guidelines said.

The remaining lockdown restrictions have already been extended till November 30.

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