Telugu web series Parampara, directed by Krishna Vijay and Vishwanath Arigela, released last year on December 24 and garnered mixed reviews. Many applauded its engaging screenplay while others criticized the slow pace of the series. Now makers are bringing the second season of this series.
Parampara Season 2 will be released on Disney+Hotstar on July 21.
Despite the mixed reviews, many are excited to witness what happens in the second season of this series. Parampara, narrates the story of Veera Naidu, a soft spoken and peace-loving leader. However, Veera’s sons Naidu and Mohan Rao do not exhibit the same nature. After Veera’s death, his sons inherit his business and political legacy. Mohan’s son Gopi is not happy with the way his father is treated after Veera’s demise. Infuriated with this treatment, he wages a war against the family but ends up losing a lot.
The premise of how a powerful family starts getting destroyed due to internal feuds was applauded by many. The cast was also appreciated for their performances and the cinematography part was also praised. The only thing which the audience criticized heavily was the slow pace of episodes. At certain points, many also said that music was also not quite impressive.
Now, when the makers are bringing the second season, it remains to be seen whether they will manage to cut down the slow pace of the series. Will there be some new additions or removal to the cast? All these details are yet to be revealed.
Shreya Navile, Aakanksha Singh, Naina Ganguly, Rajsekhar Aningi and Jagapathi Babu are playing important roles in the film. The series marked Murali Mohan’s comeback after a long time. Sarath Kumar and Naveen Chandra also comprise the stellar star cast of this series. Sarath and Naveen’s acting was praised by many. Parampara has been bankrolled by Arka Mediaworks. Hari Yelleti has penned the episodes for this series.
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