Amidst Divorce Nicolas Cage Breaks into ‘Emotional’ Karaoke Cover of Prince's 'Purple Rain'
Amidst Divorce Nicolas Cage Breaks into ‘Emotional’ Karaoke Cover of Prince's 'Purple Rain'
Nicolas Cage broke into a rendition of 'Purple Rain' at a karaoke bar in Los Angeles. The actor is in a middle of a divorce case with his wife of four days Erika Koike.

Subtlety and Nicolas Cage rarely go hand in hand, as anybody who has followed the Oscar-winning actor’s movie career would know. Cage's over-the-top eruptions on screen have spawned numerous ‘Nic Cage Loses His S**t’ memes and videos. And recently, Cage was at his eccentric best as he let loose a revved-up rendition of Prince's classic song Purple Rain at a karaoke bar in Los Angeles.

See video here:

According to TMZ, the karaoke session took place in Los Angeles’ Koreatown.

“Nicolas Cage had something he clearly wanted to get off his chest when he hit up a karaoke bar ... because his rendition of "Purple Rain" was ... emotional," TMZ reported.

The Leaving Las Vegas actor last month filed for an annulment from wife Erika Koike just four days after their marriage in Las Vegas. Cage has claimed that he was drunk at the time and “lacked understanding" and “reacted on impulse without the ability to recognise or understand the full impact of his actions".

He added that Koike did not tell him about “the full nature and extend of her relationship with another person" and that “such conflict in personalities and dispositions that are so deep as to render the two incompatible in marriage".

Koike claimed that she was willing to cooperate with the annulment but said she was seeking spousal support for apparent loss of earnings.

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