Akshay Kumar shared a new poster of his upcoming film Bachchhan Paandey along with the trailer release date. The actor plays the titular role in the film. The new poster offers a closer look at his character. The actor sports blue eyes and a salt-and-pepper look in the movie. Akshay also had a bandana wrapped around his head. The poster featured the words, “Mujhe bhai nahi, Godfather bolte hai.”
The actor shared the poster on Instagram and wrote, “This is one character that has more shades than a paint shop!BachchhanPaandey aapko daraane, hasaane, rulaane sab ke liye ready hai. Please give him all your love Trailer Out on 18th Feb, 2022.”
Bachchhan Paandey is reportedly a remake of the Tamil film Jigarthanda. The original movie was directed by Karthik Subbaraj and was a hit. The action comedy film features Akshay as a gangster and Kirti as a journalist. Other crucial roles in the movie are being played by Jacqueline Fernandez, Pankaj Tripathi, Prateik Babbar and Gourav Chopra.
In January, Akshay had confirmed that the film will be released in theatres on March 18. Sharing a poster of the film at the time, Akshay wrote, “Action Comedy Romance Drama L-O-A-D-I-N-G this Holi! #SajidNadiadwala’s #BachchanPandey in cinemas on 18th March 2022. Directed by @farhadsamji.”
The film was shot in and out during the pandemic. Several pictures from the sets were shared by the cast. A few months ago, in a chat with Pinkvilla, Kriti revealed that the team had a ball shooting the film. “We would play games like Tambola and all, and even the people who were serving food there, the people from the hotel would also join in. He’s like a people’s person. He likes involving everyone who’s there, whether it’s a costume person, makeup person or anyone on sets. He brings people together and that’s amazing,” the actress said.
Besides Bachchhan Paandey, Akshay has Ram Setu, Rakhsa Bandhan, Selfiee and recently announced Bade Miyaan Chote Miyaan in the pipeline.
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