Enjoy 'Iron Man Experience' at Disneyland Theme Park in Hong Kong
Enjoy 'Iron Man Experience' at Disneyland Theme Park in Hong Kong
A superhero has been invited into the magical world of Disney for the first time, as the Disneyland theme park in Hong Kong opens a new Iron Man attraction Wednesday, January 11. No Marvel character has previously enjoyed such pride of place in the realm of Mickey Mouse.

A superhero has been invited into the magical world of Disney for the first time, as the Disneyland theme park in Hong Kong opens a new Iron Man attraction Wednesday, January 11. No Marvel character has previously enjoyed such pride of place in the realm of Mickey Mouse.

Visitors will don 3D glasses as they step into Disney's "Iron Man Experience," a ride-through attraction taking them soaring through the skies of Hong Kong thanks to a flight simulator. The ride takes visitors alongside the superhero as he battles against Hydra, the terrorist organization of the Marvel universe, heading to Hong Kong's Stark Tower and speeding through the streets of the Chinese city powered by the famous Arc Reactor.

The ride is located in Hong Kong Disneyland's "Tomorrowland" zone. Visitors can also explore Iron Man's latest high-tech inventions up close in four exhibition halls.

Other Marvel superheroes could one day join Iron Man at Disneyland Hong Kong, although this is as yet unconfirmed.

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