HYDERABAD: Opposing the bail plea of V Vijay Sai Reddy, accused in Jagan’s illegal assets case, the CBI told the second additional special court on Friday that they were probing several minor conspiracies involving Vijay Sai Reddy.“It is a conspiracy involving several minor conspiracies. We are investigating into the minor conspiracies,’’ CBI counsel P Keshava Rao told the court. Second additional special court Judge B Nagamaruthi Sarma asked the CBI as to whether they are investigating into a matter which has evidence in the form of shares and benefits.“The GO’s are only one part. The benefits were extended in different ways,’’ the CBI counsel said.The CBI and defence counsels argued once again when the prosecution tried to make a reference of a statement that was not included in the chargesheet. When Keshava Rao tried to read the statement, Sushil Kumar, counsel for Vijay Sai, took objection to it and said the same was not shown in the list of witnesses.Initially, Keshava Rao tried to argue that it was listed in the chargesheet but later had to refrain as the statement was filed only on Friday. Keshava Rao also made a reference to the IT reports of Jagathi Publications but the same was opposed by Sushil Kumar.Referring to the IT reports, Keshava Rao said that Jagathi Publications received more than Rs 290 crore as share premium. Another Rs 272 crore are unexplained cash, he said.The IT department made enquiries into the Kolkata-based companies which invested money. They later found that they are apparently bogus companies and do not operate at the addresses mentioned by them. ‘‘They are briefcase companies. They are shell companies floated and money invested into Jagathi,’’ Keshava Rao argued and said Vijay Sai Reddy is behind the conspiracy of floating bogus companies. Nagamaruthi Sarma reserved the orders for Monday.
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