CHENNAI: Scenes of hope and comfort amid nature’s destruction were depicted through various mediums and kept on display at the Lalit Kala Akademi. The Thane art show and sale, organised by the Vikatan Group, was inaugurated on Monday by the Governor Dr K Rosaiah.With 357 works by 275 artists on display and for sale, the show hopes to garner support and raise funds for the victims of the devastating cyclone which hit the Tamil Nadu coast late last year. Several paintings had a red tag, indicating that they had been sold much before the show had even begun. Over 100 paintings were sold beforehand, raising close to Rs 13 lakh. Several readers of Vikatan publications have already come forward with their contributions. Take for instance the case of 12-year-old Hasina Parveen of Ayapakkam. She donated `3,052 – the amount she had been saving over many years to buy herself a bicycle. A group of hearing and speech-impaired children from Thirupur donated the entire collection from their drop-box, amounting to Rs 8,343.25. There are many other such stories, said B Srinivasan, Managing Director of Vikatan Group.For the artists, it was a chance to show their solidarity with the affected villages and people. Sam Adaikalasamy, secretary of an artist’s village at Padappai said, “I have been in a cyclone before and I know the devastation it can cause.” Pointing at his piece, he added, “The ancient tree in the middle has new branches coming out of it to symbolise a fresh start. Surrounding it are abstracts depicting calamity.”Artists who contributed their work for the show include Thotta Tharini, Shihan Hussaini, AV Ilango, Chezhiyan, Senathipathi M, Gopinath P, Asma Menon, Marudhu, Maniam Selven, among many others. A plethora of mediums have been used, including acrylic on canvas and board, oil, pastels, watercolours, soft stone and copper and brass sculptures.The show has on display paintings ranging from Rs 3000 to Rs 4 lakh and is open from 11am to 7pm till March 10. Paintings can be viewed at
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