With the onset of rains, everyone starts craving for ghevar and sweets. Saharanpur’s ghevar is a well-known dessert, liked by those with sweet-tooth, especially in the month of Sawan. However, this shop that goes by the name of Madhu Ki Dukan located at small town Gangoh in Saharanpur has been a hit among food-enthusiasts for years. Let’s find out what is special about this Rabri Wala Ghevar.
Madhu Ki Dukan has been serving this delicacy for more than 100 years. People come from far and wide come by to taste this ghevar at this shop. Priced at Rs 400 per kg, the most striking feature of this ghevar is that instead of sugar, Rabri is used to sweeten it which further enhances its taste. The shop sells more than 100 kg sugar every day.
All ingredients used to prepare this ghevar is homemade. Even the Rabri that is the main ingredient used in its preparation is churned in a special way. Another notable difference in its method of preparation is that it is not dipped in syrup after it is done and ready for serving.
During festivals, several people queue up at this shop to buy this special Rabri Wala Ghevar. The owner of the shop, Manoj Kumar Goyal boasts that his shop has been selling this delicacy even before Independence and this variety of ghevar has originated from his shop.
Kumar shared that he prepares this ghevar in his shop together with his workers. He took pride sharing that people living close by who have settled abroad, continues to order ghevar from his shop.
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