Telangana State (TS) Police Recruitment 2018 Exam dates for Preliminary Written Test for the post of Constable and Sub-inspector has been released by Telangana State Police Department, Hyderabad on its official website - tspolice.gov.in.
The Preliminary Written Test will be conducted on 26 August, 2 September and 30 September 2018, this year. The time duration of the test will be for 3 hours and it will be conducted in two shifts viz 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm.
As per the official notification, a total of 1,88,715 candidates have applied for the post of SCT SI Civil and or equivalent for which the Preliminary Written Test will be conducted on 26th August 2018 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
The SCT SI (IT & C) exam will take place on 2nd September from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
SCT ASI FPB Preliminary Written Test will be conducted from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm on 2nd September 2018.
Lastly, SCT PC Civil and or equivalent examination for which 4,79,166 have applied, will be organized on 30th September 2018 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Candidates eligible to appear in Preliminary Written Test for this Recruitment drive can visit the official website and click on ‘Press Note TSLPRB dates of Preliminary Written Test date 9th July 2018’ under ‘Latest News’ on the home page to download the examination schedule.
Direct Link - https://www.tspolice.gov.in/jsp/latestNewsUser.do?method=retriveLatestNewsDetails&lnID=387#
The total number of vacancies for the Recruitment of notified posts is 18,251 and the details are given as below:
1. SCT SI Civil and or equivalent - 1,271 Posts
2. SCT SI (Info Tech & Commns) - 29 Posts
3. SCT Asst SI, Finger Print Bureau - 26 Posts
4. SCT PC Civil and or equivalent - 16,925 Posts
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