The process of filing nominations for 10 Lok Sabha and 70 Assembly seats began on Saturday with notification issued by the Election Commission. The filing of nomination for the seats would continue till March 22, Chief Electoral Officer Mona Sharma said in Bhubaneshwar.
The process of filing nominations for 10 Lok Sabha and 70 Assembly seats began on Saturday with notification issued by the Election Commission. The filing of nomination for the seats would continue till March 22, Chief Electoral Officer Mona Sharma said in Bhubaneshwar.
Scrutiny would be held on March 24 and the last date of withdrawal would be March 26, she said. In the first phase, voting will be held on April 10 for Bargarh, Sundargarh, Sambalpur, Balangir, Kalahandi, Nabarangpur, Kandhamal, Aska, Brahampur and Koraput Lok Sabha seats and 70 Assembly constituencies under the 10 Lok Sabha constituencies.
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