Pak says will fight terror | anti-terror body coming
Pak says will fight terror | anti-terror body coming
Pakistan Information Minister says they are taking many steps to avoid war.

Islamabad: Advocating the need to reduce the danger of an Indo-Pak conflict, Pakistan government said that it is keeping a vigil on all banned terrorist groups and “suspect” organisations as part of measures initiated by it in the wake of the Mumbai attacks.

Information Minister Sherry Rehman said Pakistan has taken several “important steps” to implement the UN Security Council's sanctions on Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD), the front organisation of Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) blamed for the Mumbai attacks, and “has remained vigilant of all banned and suspect organisations.”

"It is in the interest of Pakistan and India, as well as the international community, to urgently reduce the danger of a conflict and protect the India-Pakistan peace process which carries enormous benefits for the whole region," she said during a meeting in Islamabad on Friday with British High Commissioner Robert Brinkley.

Pakistan has rounded up over 20 LeT activists, including Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, the alleged mastermind of the Mumbai attacks, but has said it cannot take forward its investigation till India shares evidence and information.

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