Pak bans 87 illegal FM radio stations
Pak bans 87 illegal FM radio stations
Pakistan has banned 87 illegal FM radio stations that were established and used by religious clerics for preaching.

Islamabad Pakistan has banned 87 illegal FM radio stations, most of which were established by religious clerics, in the country's North West Frontier Province (NWFP), known for its conservative ideas, an official said on Wednesday.

Spokesman for Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) Muhammad Saleem said "the stations were closed down in different parts of the province in three months".

Officials say that many of the banned FM stations were established by religious clerics in mosques and seminaries and were being used for preaching.

They say that speeches through FM radios had been creating tension in several areas.

"We will take action against illegal FM stations whenever we receive information," Saleem said.

FM radio station is easily established with a few thousand rupees and it does not need any technical know-how.

Most of the stations were set up in the tribal region, but officials say the area is out of their reach.

Two rival religious clerics used their radio stations against each other in the Kheyber tribal which led to bloody clashes, killing scores of people from both sides.

Officials say that illegal FM radio stations had been functioning only in NWFP.

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