One Shot Fear: Bollywood film without any cuts
One Shot Fear: Bollywood film without any cuts
The director claims that his film 'One Shot Fear Without A Cut', is qualified as the world's longest one-take film.

Mumbai: Debutant director Haroon Rashid is on the verge of making a world record. With a crew of 17 people (all first-timers), Rashid has made a Bollywood feature film of two hours and twenty minutes-long, in just one take without a single cut.

The director claims that the film, titled One Shot Fear Without A Cut, is qualified as the world's longest one-take film and has been sent to the Guinness World Record for the same.

It hasn't been an easy task. Haroon who wrote and directed the film that was shot in September, 2010, had to double up as the cinematographer as well after many DOPs (Director of Photography) ditched him and left after a few days of rehearsal.

Talking about the challenges, Haroon reveals, "We were shooting a full-length film with songs, dance, real-time action and chase scenes spread across seven kilometers at the actual locations. It's a supernatural thriller without any VFX. Even if one thing goes wrong you have to do it all over again."

To make sure nothing went wrong, Haroon rehearsed with his crew for a few months. "We rehearsed for almost five months before shooting the film and we got it right in the seventh or eighth final take," he points out.

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