Ohio mother gets life for burning baby in oven
Ohio mother gets life for burning baby in oven
The woman killed her own child under the influence of alcohol and in rage.

Washington: A 28-year-old woman has been sentenced to life imprisonment without a chance of parole on charges of killing her infant girl, a US newspaper reported on Tuesday.


The woman put her infant girl into a microwave oven in Dayton, Ohio, and killed her in a fit of rage.

"No adjectives exist to describe this heinous atrocity," judge Mary Wiseman at Montgomery County court said, while pronouncing the verdict against China Arnold Monday, the Dayton Daily News reported.

Arnold, who opted to watch her sentencing from a side courtroom through a monitor, was found guilty of aggravated murder of her 28-day-old daughter by sticking the baby in a microwave in August boyfriend 2005 following a quarrel with her boyfriend.

"The crime was beyond all human and moral comprehension," the judge added, rejecting a plea by the convict's defence lawyer, Jon Paul Rion, for a minimum sentence of life in prison with the chance of parole after 25 years.

Rion told the court that his client regretted the events, but maintained her innocence.

According to him, Arnold was too drunk to protect the baby during the quarrel that began over an argument whether or not the boyfriend was the biological father of the baby.

Rion said Arnold loved her baby "with all of her heart and more and regrets drinking the night of her baby's death to the point of not remembering what happened".

"We have a mother who has lost her own daughter," he said. "That will plague her and follow her like a shadow for the rest of her life and into the next."

But David Franceschelli, assistant prosecutor at Montgomery County court, told the court that Arnold has not shown any genuine remorse for the death of her baby. "The only remorse here is she got caught," Franceschelli said.

A jury last week spared Arnold the death penalty when it couldn't reach a consensus, the newspaper said.

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