Nothing really special about 'Happy Happy Ga'
Nothing really special about 'Happy Happy Ga'
The film stars Varun Sandesh, Vega and Saranya Mohan in lead roles

Happy Happy Ga is the story about Santosh (Varun Sandesh) who just like any other hero in a Telugu love story, is in search of his true love right from the first frame of the movie.

Santosh runs a company called ‘Cartoons’ that help celebrate special occasions in people’s lives by sending them greetings and gifts on behalf of their friends and relatives. On one such occasion he goes to receive Pooja (Vega) who is on a visit to India on behalf of her uncle and aunt.

Santosh sees Pooja at the railway station and the inevitable happens - he falls in love with her. However, he realises that convincing Pooja about his feelings for her is difficult as she doesn’t believe in the concept of love at all.

To show her how he truly feels and to woo her, he pretends to be in love with a ‘girl of his dreams’. Santosh’s plans take a beating when Pooja assumes Priya (Saranya Mohan), the sister of a local don to be his dream girl and then tries to bring them together. She convinces Priya of Santosh’s love for her who in turn loses her heart to him. Santosh however still loves Pooja. How this love triangle unfolds forms the rest of the plot.

The first half of the movie doesn’t offer anything new. It is a regular fare with the hero falling for his lady love and trying out various ideas to woo her. The second half is better as the film gathers momentum with the entry of Priya. The best part of the movie perhaps is the ending which thankfully is a bit different from the usual happy endings. Unfortunately, this might not be enough for the movie to emerge successful or do well at the box office.

Varun Sandesh has definitely made some progress since his last movie, Maro Charitra. However he still has a long way to go. Perhaps trying different genres instead of the regular rom-com might help his cause.

Vega is unconventional and looks more like the girl you would like to add on facebook than as Tollywood heroine. But she manages to do justice to her role in this movie.

Saranya Mohan is impressive as the girl who totally adores her lover.

Comedy by Ali and M.S. Narayana is routine and clichéd. Music by Manisharma is average as none of the songs stick to your mind once you leave the cinema hall.

Although the ending of the movie is a bit different, Priya Sharan’s Happy Happy Ga is yet another addition to the long list of love stories that are churned out day in and day out in Tollywood. There is a lot to life beyond love that is depicted in these movies and one wonders if the Telugu movie makers will ever realise this fact.

By Raghu Chaitanya

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