Mush urges India to act on Kashmir
Mush urges India to act on Kashmir
Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf on Tuesday India to make early concessions to solve the Kashmir issue.

Brussels: Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf on Tuesday urged India to make early concessions to solve a decades-old dispute over the Kashmir region, saying he was optimistic a solution was within reach.

Musharraf spoke during a visit to Brussels before a meeting, scheduled for the end of this week, with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at a summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in Havana, Cuba.

"The objective is within reach ... I am really hopeful the process will move forward," he told an audience of European lawmakers.

Musharraf insisted it was India's turn to make concessions and take into account long-running indications from Islamabad that it would no longer insist on a plebiscite among Kashmiris over their future.

"I have not given an inch. We will not move away from our stance until we see India move away from its stance," he said, insisting a firm agreement to dispense with a plebiscite was dependent on Indian efforts to find a compromise.

"We have to engage in out-of-the-box thinking ... An out-of-the-box solution is required," he said, calling for more local Kashmiri involvement in resolving the dispute.

"Any settlement must be acceptable first to the people of Kashmir." A peace dialogue launched in 2004 has made little progress so far, but separatist violence has eased somewhat in recent months.

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