Manmohan congratulates Obama, invites him to India
Manmohan congratulates Obama, invites him to India
He said it was "a historic occasion for all freedom loving people".

New Delhi: Describing it as “a historic occasion for all freedom loving people", Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Thursday congratulated US President Barack Obama on assuming office and hoped the multi-faceted India-US ties will get a boost during his presidency.

Manmohan Singh also invited Obama and his spouse Michelle to visit India and underlined that he looked forward to working with the US president to “address regional and global issues of common concern".

In a letter written to Obama, the prime minister congratulated him on assuming office as the US president and offered the best wishes of the Indian people.

“The letter focuses on the multi-faceted relationship that is anchored in the common values of democracy, pluralism and respect for diversity, shared by the two countries,” a statement from the prime minister's office (PMO) said.

“He expressed the hope that the bilateral relations between India and the USA would strengthen further,” the PMO said.

The prime minister described Obama's assumption of office “as an historic occasion for the people of America and for all freedom loving people across the world", external affairs ministry spokesperson Vishnu Prakash said.

“Prime minister conveyed his best wishes, as well as that of the government and people of India to President Obama, in achieving the goals that he has set for his people and for the role of the United States of America in the comity of nations,” he added.

The prime minister said he looked forward to working with President Obama to further strengthen bilateral relations and to address regional and global issues of common concern, he added.

Within hours of moving into the White House, Obama brought some comfort to New Delhi by linking aid to Pakistan to its performance in the fight against terror.

However, a policy document on foreign policy released by the White House makes no mention of India, but talks in general terms about building new partnerships in Asia.

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